#25. info@ZeeFusion.com

7:11 p.m.: It's non-stop around here. We gotta keep up with Jack's Extracts! #humboldtcounty #branding #cannabis #cannabiscommunity #420 #weedporn #dablife #710 #dablife #stoner #highsociety #ganja #thc #errl #customdesigns #fuckcancer #iwillmarymary #winners #420 #dabsfordays #packaging #marketing #maryjane #cannabisculture #onelove #pure #concentrates #rso #shatter #shatterday
#24. humboldtcountycup

5:45 p.m.: My solar 6 project: 6 plants, 600w gavita offset by 3k solar system. The catch is solar on the coast in the winter….😕its a blackberry kush cross. #humboldt #sustainability #indoorweed #indoor #humboldtcounty
#23. morbidbeauty

4:47 p.m.: Had to scan in a massive shipment for a chocolate company today. The guy felt bad about all the piles of packages, and thanked me with a couple samples…
#22. Angel Young

4:42 p.m.: #humboldtclothing has the best #Humboldt gear for your lady this holiday season #humboldtcounty #707 #beanie #norcal #embroideredbeanie #embroideredhoodies
#21. humboldt4bernie

4:26 p.m.: Join us tonight for the #demdebate at Jambalaya —> one dollar of every pint sold will be donated to #berniesanders —> be sure to wear your #bernie2016 gear and get 10% off your food —> Arcata theatre lounge and Live From New York in Eureka will also be hosting the #debate —> get out there and show yor #support —> #feelthebern #fuelthebern #hillaryclinton #democraticdebate #democrats #letsgo #letsdothis #gobernie #humboldt #humboldtstate #humboldt4bernie #humboldtcounty
#18. AB@santiamorganics.com

2:41 p.m.: #6thGear #Cruisin #Vitalize delivered out #HWY36 #HumboldtCounty
#17. Heidi Alletzhauser

2:18 p.m.: Redwoods double exposure #heidialletzhauserphotography #doubleexposures #humboldtcounty #treelovers
#16. forgetmenotphotobooth

2:17 p.m.: 🎅Waiting for #santa to arrive🎅 #forgetmenotphotobooth #humboldtcounty #photobooths #seasonsgreetings
#15. EmeraldOrchards

2:05 p.m.: @Valleyrec420 on Mass Roots killing it with the art blunts #weshouldsmoke #215 #stonersdaily #OG #humboldtcounty #emeraldtriangle #bluntgame #starwars #starwarsday #maytheforcebewithyou
#14. Stuff-N-Thing's

1:58 p.m.: Amazing piece done by my friend Lisa pieces 😘#orangekush #humboldtcounty #emeraldtriangle #420 #710 #glassforsale #smokeshop #humboldt #tokecity #stuffnthings #headyglass
#13. goldrush710

12:34 p.m.: #ogkush from #humboldtcounty given to my by @vdubmob_710 & @vdub_queen710 thanks guys
#12. Graham's Brand

12:27 p.m.: We're only holding on to let go…..#humboldtcounty #hempcon #sunshine #dabrig #dab #rosin #leanon
#11. Fortune City Farms

12:13 p.m.: Satori 47 day 41. Pineapple trainwrecks in the background #humboldtcounty #prop215
#10. Fortune City Farms

12:12 p.m.: Satori-47, Day 41. Pineapple trainwreck in the background #HumboldtCounty #215
#9. greenpyneapple

12:05 p.m.: #humboldt #humboldtcounty #greencrack #feminizedseeds #weednerd #hydro #hydroponics
#8. EmeraldOrchards

10:21 a.m.: Tea fed, high mountain sunshine #soilscapesolutions make this Platinum GSC drip with trichs #cookiesorbetter #cookiefam #dowhatyoulove #lovewhatyoudo #organic #composttea #emeraldtriangle #emeraldfamilyfarms #humboldtcounty #humboldttothebay #lovingthis #weshouldsmoke
#7. Scott

9:17 a.m.: When life give you lemon's you shoot those lemon's and make jerky #buffleheads #humboldtcounty #huntinghumboldt #duckhunting #duckblind #duck #diverducks
#6. NorCal Confections

8:53 a.m.: Day 12 beautiful sight #decemberphotochallenge#capturingdecember#humboldtcounty#norcalconfections
#5. Katie K.

8:41 a.m.: Contemplating #beachlife #humboldtcounty #humboldt #sharppoint #contemplating
#4. jUsTiN mAiEtTa

8:30 a.m.: #abandonedplaces, #abandonedschool, #zoebarnum, #cold, #deadtree, #tree, #shadow, #eureka, #school, #highschool, #December, #preservation, #humboldtcounty, #spooky, #decay, #humboldtcounty
#3. 🍀Kendal Malone🍀

7:58 a.m.: #NorthCal #Traveling #OnTheRoadAgain #Humboldt #humboldtcounty #ChristmasLights #MerryChristmas #Blessed
#2. ☆Vivi☆

2:56 a.m.: Humboldt has many different environments to visit in one day. #humboldt #humboldtcounty