#46. The One. The Only. ๐๐ซ๐ถ

6:30 p.m.: Simply me. Flaws and all… #moonstonebeach #HumboldtCounty #norcal #beach
#45. beansoyer

6 p.m.: Update pics #emraldtriangle #grow 7/30/15 #ogkush #veg #humboldtcounty #trinity #mendocino
#44. 710sandiego

5:40 p.m.: All my medicine for my f๐ ked up hand, pop naturals CO2 syringe and more sour d/cherry pie #710 #oil #wax #sandiego #chineseglass #errl #humboldt #humboldtcounty #honeycomb #silicone #bho #co2 #redhook #popnatural #advil #qfz
#43. Suzanne Ross-Kohl

4:31 p.m.: Crafty friends! There are supplies for sale for cheap at Baroni! Come visit me! #shopsale #humboldtcounty #crafty
#42. atavisticx

4:25 p.m.: Me, Cowboy & Outlaw are taking a #momentofsilence for #CecilTheLion (Cowboy embodied Cecil in his yet-to-be-named-one-legged-stuffed-lion.) #quiettime #dogsofinstagram #instadogs #humpups #pupsofinstagram #instapups #Humboldtcounty
#40. Central Avenue Smoke Shop

4:14 p.m.: Micro G-pen, $๐ฏ #gpen #vapelife #getlit #smoke #blowclouds #centralave #smokeshop #707 #710 #420 #humboldtcounty #local #headshop
#38. We Should Smoke

3:18 p.m.: This CO2 oil is so fucking fireeee #co2 #hashoil #dripslikewater #globs #girlscoutcookies
#37. Humboldt Hotsauce

3:10 p.m.: Time to fire up the grill with our almost released Cajun Mans Nickel Bag grill rub! #ilovehotsauce #humboldtcounty #keepinitspicy
#35. Lord Duddy Rae Grizzly

2:43 p.m.: #ThrowBackThursday to that one time I made @xylenedreams tattoo my forehead lol โ๏ธ #ItchingForSomething #ThinkingIrsAboutThatTimeAgain #Tattoos #HumboldtCounty
#34. philthy325

2:36 p.m.: Much needed beach day on this crazy awesome day in Humboldt County! #beach #beachday #humboldtcounty #humboldt #humcolife #humco #humboldt #beautifulday #summer #daytrippin
#33. Luis Da Barber

1:31 p.m.: #Since96 #redwoods #barbershop #barberlife #barbershopconnect #707 #humboldtcounty
#32. Luis Da Barber

1:21 p.m.: #barbershop #redwoods #707 #Eureka #Arcata #humboldtcounty #barbershopconnect #barberlife #barbershop #redwoods #Since96
#31. Luis Da Barber

1:19 p.m.: #NorCal #razorskillsonpoint #barberlife #barbershopconnect #Since96 #humboldtcounty #Arcata #Eureka #707 #redwoods #barbershop
#30. Rayna Cauthron Philbrick

1:13 p.m.: Throwback to daze spent next to my wild and free river with long hair and a top knot #tbt #wildandfree #longhairedhippiegirl #humboldtcounty #sohum
#29. Luis

1:12 p.m.: #707 #redwoods #humboldtcounty #Eureka #707 #barberlife #barbershopconnect #barbershop
#28. Luis

1:11 p.m.: #LouDaBarber #NorCal #barberlife #barbershop #Garagecuts #NorCal #707 #humboldtcounty #Arcata#Eureka#redwoods
#27. Luis

1:09 p.m.: 2 on top 1 on side… #707#humboldtcounty #barbershopconnect#NorCal#barberlife #barbershop #Garagecuts#LouDaBarber
#26. Central Avenue Smoke Shop

1:08 p.m.: Weekend deal for all you headed out to Reggae, 20% off hand pipes! Come pick one up before you head out! ๐๐พ๐๐พ๐โค๏ธ๐๐ #reggaeontheriver #2k15 #safetravels #getlit #stayhigh #humboldtcounty #norcal #707 #centralave #smokeshop #headshop #local
#24. edubbz415

12:51 p.m.: #RibeyeSteak & #Eggs #Mimosas #Salud #GoinIn #BenbowInn #HumboldtCounty #ReggaeOnTheRiver #InTheBeginning
#23. David Van Pham

12:31 p.m.: Beach fun. This is an illusion. I'm not actually going to juggle. #beach #humboldtcounty #sand #water #madriverbeach #nofilter
#22. edubbz415

12:13 p.m.: #AndSoItBegins #TheBenbowInn #ReggaeOnTheRiver #ROTR2015 #ReadyToGrub #RastaLife #CityHippies #HumboldtCounty
#20. The IExperts

11:26 a.m.: Keep them coming! Some of the leftovers from our Arcata location. Come check us out at 1642 g street! #artist #photog #photography #beautiful #art #707 #eureka #local #cracked #broken #picoftheday #instagood #love it #Arcata #humboldt #humboldtcounty #beautiful
#19. Trim Scene Solutions

11:23 a.m.: We are proud to offer the Liberator 2LB Closed Loop Extractor from @purgelabs. Includes a shatter platter and 45 degree lighted viewing port so you dont have to break your back while viewing your extracts. Includes hoses, gaskets, fittings, recovery tank and clamps. Come check it out on our showroom floor. All extraction equipment is 10% off at our Six Year anniversary party Saturday Aug 8th from 10-4 #trimscene #trimscenesolutions #harvestheadquarters #glassgallery #extractionheadquarters #purgelabs #closedloop #bho #extractor #shatter #errl #wax #liveresin #nbutane #butane #dabbersdaily #w420 #wfayo #710society #growops #highsociety #weedstagram #weedpraylove #dabsallday #girlswhodab #girlswhosmoke #emeraldtriangle #humboldt #humboldtcounty #whatelsewouldyouexpectfromhumboldt
#18. Michelle ๐ป๐

11:22 a.m.: #tbt to living in Eureka and having @amanda_kayy47 and @taylorrr_gabrielleee visit me #Trinidad #NorthernCalifornia #HumboldtCounty
#17. The IExperts

11:18 a.m.: Keep them coming! Some of the leftovers from our Arcata location. Come check us out at 1642 g street! #artist #photog #photography #beautiful #art #707 #eureka #local #cracked #broken #picoftheday #instagood #love it #Arcata #humboldt #humboldtcounty #beautiful
#15. Mongo

11:11 a.m.: Setting up camp #ROTR2015 rock out with ur ๐ out!! With @willstanleyvi & @justinstratford. #positive #humboldtcounty
#14. megzter1

11:03 a.m.: Punk Rats! #EyeofFablett #nightoff #punkdays #colormonth #colorred #chucks #converseallstar #meatpuppets #humbrews #humboldtcounty
#12. Dee Dee Frye

10:27 a.m.: Foggy #moonstonebeach morning. Bring on the sun!! #humboldtcounty #hanaleelo
#11. jUsTiN mAiEtTa

10:07 a.m.: #vintage, #oldhouselove, #eurekaca, #humboldtcounty, #preservation, #restoration, #realestate, #mansion, #Victorian, #Victorianhome, #spooky, #queenanne, #charming
#10. jUsTiN mAiEtTa

9:38 a.m.: #eurekaca, #vintage, #preservation, #oldhouselove, #humboldtcounty, #realestate, #rustic, #charming, #Victorianhome, #Victorian
#9. jUsTiN mAiEtTa

9:35 a.m.: #vintage, #eurekaca, #Victorianhome, #Victorian, #preservation, #restoration, #whitepicketfence, #oldhouselove, #charming, #humboldtcounty, #realestate
#8. Kind Solutions

9:23 a.m.: Loompa Farms grown indoor organic Foo Dog on the menu #ForThePatients highly sought after @loompoly genetics grown by @official_loompafarms Gassy, fruity, pungent aroma on dense trichome covered buds. #Humboldt #HumboldtGrown #humboldtcounty #indica #sativa #weedstagram #weshouldsmoke #weed4warriors #๐ #๐ท๐ผ #cannabis #๐ฅ
#7. svspxct

9:06 a.m.: The race at ace got me in a slow pace with a sour face #Arcata #HumboldtCounty
#6. A n g e l i c a S i l v a เฅ

9:05 a.m.: 22 hours and 59min. The day I've been waiting for, for a year now is finally here! IM OUT๐๐ฝ #camping #roadtrip #ReggaeonTheRiver2015 #HumboldtCounty #countdown #onemoredayleft #fuckyeah
#5. Andrew Collins

8:48 a.m.: #Treehugger: @a_zaera at the base of a 300-foot #California #redwood on the #CathedralTrail, #PrairieCreek #Redwoods State Park. #RedwoodsNationalPark #HumboldtCounty #CaliforniaCoast #talltrees #treetrunks #massive #hiking #NationalParks #GayTravel
#4. ๐Owner Of A Lonelyโก

8:17 a.m.: #itiswhatitis #callmedesperate or #callmedesperado #callmewhatyouwant #whereisthelove #allineedislove #hatebeingalone #fuckbeingsingle #imnotusedtothis #imreadytoloveagain #๐ #godpleasehelpme #pleasegodhelpme #sendmeanangel #California #707 #HumboldtCounty
#3. jUsTiN mAiEtTa

2:18 a.m.: #theshanty, #deathvalleytroubadours, #eurekaca, #humboldtcounty, #livemusic, #pbr, #rawhide
#2. 710sandiego

12:22 a.m.: Good derbs, drink, and friends, dabbin on cherry pie/sour d mix #blazed #710 #oil #wax #sandiego #chineseglass #errl #humboldt #humboldtcounty #honeycomb #silicone #bho
#1. philthy325

12:09 a.m.: Renewed my #gym #membership, time to step my #weightgame back up. Got #sidetracked, but gettin myself back on the #righttrack. #bodyworks #fortuna #humcolife #humco #humboldt #humboldtcounty #fitness