#34. Graham's Brand

5:50 p.m.: #humboldtcounty #humboldtmade #norcal #berryessa #bluedream #sativa #goodluck #bayarea #sanjose #siliconvalley #esj #piedmont #707 #408 #hempcon #chalice #emeraldcup #hightimes #chronic
#33. Josh Berger

5:48 p.m.: First go with this seasons Hollis wheat grown by John LaBoyteaux Thanks for the berries @becksbakery 100% local wheat. Might have went in oven a little to soon with all that spring. Smells so good. We'll cut in later. #joshfoxbreadco #arcata #humboldt #humboldtmade #humboldtcounty
#32. Graham's Brand

5:40 p.m.: Another proper strain review from CULTURE magazine. Stoked to be getting positive feedback on the Berryessa Blue Dream. This is from a few months back but still worth sharing.. #culturemagazine #420 #humboldtcounty #humboldtmade #weedporn #weedwithoutlimits #weshouldsmoke #cannabis #cannabusiness #norcal #707 #arcata #sohum #siliconvalley #419 #bluedrem #berryessa #nuglife #nugs #mmj #wedothework
#30. Cyclop

4:33 p.m.: Check out my kickstarter campaign! www.kickstarter.com/projects/2075058257/cyclop-art-boutique #art #create #kickstarter #campaign #kickstartercampaign #cyclop #polymerclay #attboutique #boutique #humboldtcounty #support #crowdfund #crowdfunding #crowdfunded #kickstarterproject
#29. Daniel

4:31 p.m.: Anyone after a serious project mustang? 1965 for 150 obo dude hasnt responded to a text of mine so guess calls be more secure i curious bout how rear end damage came to be and any frame damage, was posted for bout 500 several months ago. 50 bucks and 18 pack beer sounds fair to me haha #mustang #mustangproject #1965mustang #classicstangs #stangup #cafords #mustang #ford #1965 #humboldtcounty #craigslist
#28. Forrest

4:06 p.m.: Posted at work. #roadster #mazda #miata #na8c #mx5 #bpze #koni #flyinmiata #racingbeat #gripmiata #topmiata #humboldtcounty
#27. Liz Lux

3:48 p.m.: Bad news: my flight to LA was canceled this morning. Good news: I went home to the #redwood forest. Standing on the ground with my roots growing down with my branches wide and open. #humboldtcounty #loveplantsasmyself #naturelovers #natureteaches #plantmedicine
#26. Forrest

3:41 p.m.: What are the odds! Went to pick my client Eric up and we are BOTH wearing tie-dye.! Yeah we are kewl. #tiedye #shirts #clothing #happy #goodday #client #worklife #work #jimihendrix #humboldtbay #humboldt #humblehumboldt #HumboldtCounty #707 #norcal #northerncalifornia #California #westcoast #cali #living #laughing #living #contentwithmypath #lifesjourney #SMILE
#25. Emerald Orchards

3:41 p.m.: Put this cookie in on August 1…almost home #cookiesorbetter #gsc #weshouldsmoke #harvestseason #humboldtcounty
#24. joe koches

3:33 p.m.: Now hiring #theblacksmithshop #707 #2015 #norcal #humboldtcounty #needajob #blacksmith #ferndale #california
#22. Jenn DePillo

2:13 p.m.: Found this crazy looking #fungus while hiking #wtf #fungusamongus #norcal #ferncanyon #humboldtcounty #omg #whatisthis #fungi
#21. TenTrees Tribe

1:39 p.m.: The Titanium Metallic Quartz Lariat necklace 💎💦💦💦 in @stonesthrowboutique 😻 Cozy cozy fall time! ☁️🍂💫 #falltime #tentreestribe #fall #autumn #cozy #cardigan #lariat #titaniummetallic #quartz #necklace #boutique #humboldtcounty #humboldt #eureka #retailstore #jewelry #clothing #chic #stylish
#20. 🔲Jason 🙌 Brandi🔲

12:55 p.m.: Humboldt Republic… New men's hoodie.. This will also be available on T-shirts.. #humboldtrepublic #humboldtstateofmind #humboldtcounty #DCCVII
#19. Josh Berger

12:02 p.m.: Hey All, Bread Reservation Time, Friday pickup First up La Khorasan. Naturally levained of course. 30% fresh milled Khorasan wheat (ancient durum). Same as Kamut but Kamut is a trademarked name for this wheat. Levained with both my wheat and rye culture. A new loaf but I expect a sweet and crunchy table loaf with a great golden color. Second up Mom's Apple Cake. Fresh apples ,walnuts ,raisins ,vanilla bean, brown butter. My take on my mothers Jewish Apple cake. 8x4 " loaf and made with 50% fresh milled local wheat and local apples . Suggested donation is 12. If time permits and I plan on it permitting I'll do something more. Maybe baguettes. Ciabatta or focaccia Reserve your loaf(ves) now and pickup in Arcata Friday after 4pm. Please let me know your time of pickup. Cheers Josh #joshfoxbreadco #arcata #humboldt #humboldtmade #humboldtcounty
#18. Lotus Mountain Screen Printing

12:01 p.m.: Groovy Visitors at Lotus Mountain today! #mantisgram #goodjuju #707 #humboldtcounty
#17. Damián

11:52 a.m.: #morf #graffiti #bomb in #arcata #humboldtcounty #humboldtgraff #graffiti #streetart #spraypaint #bubbleletters
#16. Fauna Rose Photography

11:42 a.m.: Head over to faunarosephotography.com/blog to check out this gorgeous family/maternity session!! #blog #inspired #maternity #family #country #goldenhour #golden #blogger #dreamer #pregnancy #life #babyontheway #maternityphotographer #redway #humboldtcounty #familyphotographer #familyphotography #maternityphotography #maternityportrait #portrait #maternityshoot
#15. Markuss Decker

10:38 a.m.: Who's going next weekend?? The homies Mountain High Club have that bomb rozen entered!! It's gonna be a good one! #humboldt #humboldtcounty #meccacup #soventlessdabs #rozen #fuckyourbutain #fuckyourbutainsoup #partytime
#14. Daniel

9:29 a.m.: Got a fuel rewards card? Use it Lee filled up on mid grade got 20 gallons for 50 cents a gallon with his 2.50 cents off on his rewards card plus extra 15 cents from our gift cards, insane #goingbackintime #50centsagallonforgas #gasoline #gas #totaledsaved53dollars #shell #myrtleavenue #myrtletown #humboldtcounty #humboldtpetroleum #myrtleaveshell #shellgasoline
#13. ladyothesea

9:03 a.m.: Glamour shot #doberman #nofilter #naturallybeautiful #canthideit #coneofshame #humboldtcounty
#12. ladyothesea

8:57 a.m.: Mugshot #doberman #itsadogslife #dontstartwhatyoucantfinish #redhanded #corrections #coneofshame #humboldtcounty
#11. LyryC

8:47 a.m.: #Repost @rebareebs with @repostapp ・・・ Just saying… You have a lot to offer. Maybe more than you think! #womengrow #cannabis #advocate #farmer #mmj #prop215 #stepup #youcanbemore #420 #710 #hightimes #humboldtcounty #noGrowHo #cannabiscommunity #shine. 🍁🐲🌳❤️💛💚💫Dear women in the cannabis industry: You don't have to smoke weed or dabs on camera in your underwear to gain respect. Learn to speak up for the rights of patients and farmers. Get your hands dirty and learn to grow. Put yourself out there as an equal. Rather than using this amazing plant to get sexually based attention, get to know her and embody her healing strength! Become a provider and an advocate rather than a prop or an object. This plant is a female and she will work with you! You have an advantage. Use it wisely.
#10. Ballet Folklórico de Humboldt

8:39 a.m.: Come join us for our '¡Queremos Bailar!" Folklorico Dance Workshop October 23-25 hosted by the Ballet Folklorico de HSU Club! We will be learning dances from the state of Guerrero. This is an exciting way to learn a new dance style, make new friends, and have fun! -Open to all HSU STUDENTS (SUNDAY will be open for all community members) Please SHARE with your friends. Humboldt State University Kinesiology and Athletics 202A Friday 5:00pm-8:00pm Saturday 10:00am-1:00pm Sunday 9:00am-12pm open to all community members) For questions, please message us or email: Elizabeth.Rivera@humboldt.edu Thanks to the HSU Diversity & Inclusion Office #folklorico #balletfolkloricodehumboldt #dance #humboldtcounty #humboldt #humboldtstate #hsu #queremosbailar
#9. LoveIsInfinite

8:36 a.m.: Just saying… You have a lot to offer. Maybe more than you think! #womengrow #cannabis #advocate #farmer #mmj #prop215 #stepup #youcanbemore #420 #710 #hightimes #humboldtcounty #cannabiscommunity #shine
#8. Vintage Avenger

7:50 a.m.: "What, this old thing? I got it at Vintage Avenger." Guys, we got you covered from head to toe this Halloween. Get in here while the hunting is still good. Masks, wigs, costumes, hats, makeup, glasses, the works. Open daily 11th and H streets, Arcata #vintageavenger #consignment #boutique #recycled #fashion #treasurehunt #arcata #humboldtcounty #hsu #costumes #halloween #wearableart
#6. Shannan Cherrison

5:59 a.m.: Find someone to be kind to today! #GoodMorning #kindness #GoldenRule #GodsWord #Love #NorCal #EurekaCali #HumboldtCounty #RepresentJesus
#5. 98dreamcast

4 a.m.: K A $ I O #98dreamkast #streetwear #design #clothing #707 #humboldtcounty #brand #unknown
#4. 98dreamcast

3:58 a.m.: 9 8 D R E ∆ M C ∆ S T #98dreamkast #streetwear #brand #humboldtcounty #707 #design #clothing
#3. 98dreamcast

3:55 a.m.: H A N D P U P P € T #98dreamkast #streetwear #design #brand #humboldtcounty #707 #local
#2. OneSnuggle 🍀

1:18 a.m.: #mountains #humboldthills #green #view #garberville #garbervilleca #humboldt #humboldtcounty #california #home #beautiful #ontopoftheworld #clouds #sky
#1. 🇮🇹Gennaro Grieco😜

12:28 a.m.: #likeback #followme #opportunità #riconoscenza #consapevolezza #gratitudine #spirituale #statodellessere #luce #illuminare #vibrazioni #valore #riconoscimento #vita #selamatberjuangkawan #smoga #zebras #scheissmsv #msv #ultras #fußball #arschhoch #ultrasdüsseldorf #ballet #dancescapes #pointe #danceoutdoors #humboldtcounty #dancephotography #californiadancer