#44. DARA

7:44 p.m.: Had a #drink at the smallest licensed #bar in #HumboldtCounty #DAS_2조 #일상 #여행 #캘리포니아 #VisitCalifornia #daily #tipsy #MadaketHarborCruise #Cruise #술스타그램 #먹스타그램 #맛스타그램
#43. Delta

7:44 p.m.: Love foggy days, means you usually get the beach to yourself #foggyday #humboldtcounty #adventures #beach #beachdog #california #dog #dobe #dogs #doberman #instadog #k9 #norcal #pet #reddoberman #woof
#42. torturedbythirst

7:29 p.m.: I hate to say that I created something that I saw posted all over online but I couldn't resist this. Biscuit dough wrapped around cream cheese and white/dark chocolate chips. Tossed in sugar and cinnamon and covered with #bourbon caramel and toasted walnuts. #sweettooth #humboldtcounty #caramel #sugar
#41. Di

7:18 p.m.: Tomatoes grown in our garden made this delis chili that we cooked on a wood stove #selfsufficient #homegrown #tomatoes #chili #woodstove #humboldtcounty #fall
#40. atavisticx

7:11 p.m.: Sometimes a stroll around town offers much micro-insight into the state of our nation. #humboldtcounty #homesweethome #letthechildrenplay #parentingdonewrong
#39. Garth CultiVader

7:10 p.m.: hope you all had a great weekend…. #humboldtcounty #digitaldabs #garthcultivader #seventen #danksterism #weedgame
#37. Kathleen Stivers

6:50 p.m.: Finishing up this lovely couples wedding. I'll be a little sad once I am done, since I have enjoyed every minute of it. #Kathleenamelia #kathleenameliaphotography #kathleenameliaphotographer #humboldtcounty #humboldt #humco #norcal #wedding #brideandgroom #bride #groom #ingomar #carsonmansion #canon #photographer #eurekaca #eurekaca
#35. 얌전한버섯

6:03 p.m.: 캘리포니아 여행에는 굴요리가 빠질수가 없어요! 맛은요? #DAS_2조 #여행 #캘리포니아 #VisitCalifornia #travel #america #usa #california #ca #goodphoto #photo #pic #iphone #아이폰 #맞팔 #소통 #미국 #험볼트 #험볼트카운티 #humboldt #humboldtcounty #맛스타그램 #먹방 #goodfood #nicepic #굴 #oyster #yammy
#34. Graham's Brand

5:47 p.m.: Team work!!! These are the last of em for now……the only strain left to roll is the MackTown Diesel! I'm so stoked to be bringing the pre-rolls to HempCon. I've felt for a long time that it's a necessary addition to our product line. All of Graham's Brands pre-rolls are made from top shelf flowers! @icculus99 @haileysfee @shesbubbly @solventlessmind #humboldtcounty #hempcon #dabcup #weshouldsmoke #hightimes #highsociety #norcal #101 #joint #berryessa
#33. cannaeye

5:39 p.m.: The crew. Properly medicated. Thanks to #AbstractRude and the whole crew for enjoying #CannaEye and having us as your guest last night! #Fuego #wekeepitrolling #keepthefeel #humboldtbrews #bootyshakinmusicproductions #cannagram #hiphopculture #cannabisculture #humboldtcounty #family #eagleOG #GirlsScoutCookies #GorillaGlue4 #GG4

4:43 p.m.: Quick photoshoot in progress!! HUMBOLDT COUNTY 🍁💨💨#calibis #humboldtcounty #oldStompingGround #redwoods
#30. The Ganjier

4:34 p.m.: #regram @trimscene Had a great day at the Golden Tarp Award. Dished out some dabs and some education. Be sure to attend our Closed Loop Extraction Basics and Safety class next Sat the 19th at noon #trimscene #trimscenesolutions #goldentarp #goldentarpaward #harvestheadquarters #extractionheadquarters #glassgallery #emeraldtriangle #humboldt #humboldtcounty #lightdep #dep #weedstagram #wfayo #w420 #dabs #dabbersdaily #dabstagram #bho #shatter #rosin #hash #highsociety #prop215 #errl #wax #dank #whatelsewouldyouexpectfromhumboldt
#29. Humboldt Arts Council

4:10 p.m.: Here is a special thanks to #thedancescenestudio and #thehumboldtballetcompany for your performance today, kicking off the Fall 2015 season of Sunday Dance Afternoons at The Morris Graves Museum of Art in #eurekacalifornia Every 2nd Sunday of the month starting at 2pm!!! #morrisgravesmuseumofart #mgma #humboldtcounty #humboldtartscouncil #dance #art #thingstodo #thingstodoinhumboldt #considerthis entertainment #artalliance #performancearts #danceafternoon #eureka #eurekafun
#27. Sarah Bailey Land

3:32 p.m.: Rental showroom has officially closed for the season!!! You can still view items for rent online www.landoflovely@yahoo.com and rent during this time!! Now I'm bringing in more furniture, lighting, more paint, and loads more decor!!
#26. Graham's Brand

3:30 p.m.: Getting Berryessa Blue Dream pre-rolls ready for the #dabcup in San Jose next weekend. We roll 100% top shelf flowers in every one of our doobies. #humboldtcounty #doobie #joint #splif #hempcon #420 #siliconvalley #cnn #haveyouseenhim #planb #esj #sanjose #berryessa #milpitas #jameslick #martymcfly #dab #puffpuffpass #magicbus
#25. DARA

3:19 p.m.: #Brunch at #BenbowInn #DAS_2조 #일상 #여행 #캘리포니아 #VisitCalifornia #daily #HumboldtCounty #CrabCake #브런치 #맛스타그램 #먹스타그램 #yum
#23. Central Avenue Smoke Shop

2:54 p.m.: Delivery from Scott Rogers, and its a good one! 😁😉 new small spoons in yellow/silver $25 and small multi colored $35 #dontmissthis #ScottRogers #local #humboldtcounty #shoplocal #smoke #707 #centralave #smokeshop #headshop
#22. Humboldt Arts Council

2:15 p.m.: Who doesn't love 'eccentric'? #romanogabriel #installation #morrisgravesmuseumofart #mgma #eurekacalifornia #eureka #travel #california #hwy101 #travelcalifornia #cali #californiaart #californiaartlovers #doart #iloveart #humboldtcounty #humboldtartscouncil #woodcraft #gardenart #getaway for the mind

1:41 p.m.: True Story…#maryjane #rollitup #Humboldtcounty #limitededition #everygeneration needs a #newrevolution #love #hustlewithintegrity
#20. Central Avenue Smoke Shop

1:34 p.m.: New a Savage Henry for the start of fall. Pick one up today for some reading on such a chill day! 😁😌 #savagehenry #savagesundays #humboldtcounty #norcal #707 #centralave #smokeshop #mckinleyville #arcata
#19. Krista Martines

12:58 p.m.: Amazing amazing having Kris Vallotton here today! If you live in Humboldt county, you don't want to miss tonight. 6pm at Bethel, Eureka. It's going to be packed so come early to get a seat 😃 #betheleureka #humboldtcounty #krisvallotton
#18. Andrew Heritage Photography

12:49 p.m.: Did you capitalize on the opportunity for a free hug?? The benefits of hugging – More upbeat moods – Reduce heart rates – Lower blood pressure – Increase nerve activity – Reduce levels of cortisol (stress hormone) if they are over 20 seconds long – Increase levels of oxytocin (bonding hormone) – Boosts the immune system – Builds self esteem – Alleviates tension and releases endorphins – It’s portable and it doesn’t cost a thing! Hug more, Hate less! ✌🏻 #EventPhotography #HumboldtPride #Culture #Nikon #Raw #Nofilter #Diversity #Lifestyle #Capture #HumboldtCounty #DowntownEureka #EqualLove #BeautifulDay #Eureka #Photography #Organic #WestCoast #NorCal #HalvorsenPark #NoFilter #Ocean #life #Love #FreeHugs
#17. Michael D Smith

12:47 p.m.: Thuggin on top #StrawBerryRock #HaveTheDayYouDeserve #humboldtcounty #ItsHotUpHere
#16. donrob_glass

12:16 p.m.: Finger pressed glue lookin better than your neighbors BHo #icewax #fullmelt #iwe #gg4 #humboldtcounty #thejuiceisloose #properlydriedhash
#15. I Am Breezie Eve™

12:12 p.m.: Abigail. Mi hermanita, I miss you! I'll be visiting NEXT for many reasons! #lovelove #HumboldtCounty
#14. jUsTiN mAiEtTa

11:44 a.m.: #Victorian, #vintage, #humboldtcounty, #oldfashioned, #oldhouse, #spooky, #victorianhouse, #mansion, #preservation
#13. bunnies_like_greens

11:26 a.m.: Congrats to all the winners last night!!#HumboldtCounty#goldentarps#burningterps#goldentarpawards#loveyourlocalfarmer#trimscenesolutions #satorimovement#jorgecervantes#mateelcommunitycenter#3rdgenerationfamily#frenchycannoli#yourmom#happybirthdayme
#12. Bethany Lorene

11:25 a.m.: Yeah things are getting pretty cray cray up in here! 🐍 #3months#dreaddies#knots#naturaldreads#neglectdreads#nofilter#humboldtcounty#dreadjourney#dreadbabies#babydreads
#11. Humboldt Arts Council

10:59 a.m.: Come check out the Romano Gabriel Collection at the #morrisgravesmuseumofart !!! #romanogabriel #art #artcollection #humboldtartscouncil #humboldtcounty #woodart #wood #gardenart #eurekacalifornia #eurekacalifornia #iloveart #ilovehumboldtcounty #liveforart #artlover #woodcraft
#10. Ashley Duval

10:34 a.m.: A most perfect example of the Victorian farmhouse from my foggy morning walk through the Bottoms. #farmhouse #victorianarchitecture #humboldtcounty
#9. jayyyy_2007

9:30 a.m.: Let me goooo 🔥💨💨 Sit back & let me enjoy what I'm feelin …. Another day in #humboldtcounty #berner#colddays#highlife#cookies
#8. Weston Frazier

8:44 a.m.: A few of our high scoring fish from yesterday's #rockfishwars. Not bad for our first tournament ever! #fishing #rockfish #humboldtcounty #trinidad #copper #ling #black #exhausted #tournament
#7. aeschulz

8:44 a.m.: Collecting a sandy bedraggled bouquet of feathers for my desk. #feather #featherweight #feathers #beach #collecting #california #humboldtcalifornia #humboldtcounty
#6. arcatatown

8:28 a.m.: Chon the dragon #arcatatown #madriver #cloudchaser #vapelyfe #discgolf #madriverdgc #humboldtstate #humboldtcounty #livefromhsu #hsu #northcoastclassic #humboldtstateofmind
#5. Shannan Cherrison

8:21 a.m.: It was so nice to go get my nails done yesterday. So relaxing! #Nails #Polish #Relaxing #NorCal #EurekaCali #HumboldtCounty #NailSalon
#4. Graham's Brand

6:41 a.m.: Never stop!!! #deleafing #humboldtcounty #humboldtmade #hempcon #dabcup #420 #weshouldsmoke #grow #hydropinics #fun
#3. jUsTiN mAiEtTa

4:28 a.m.: First Halloween decoration of the season #Halloween, #spooky, #fall, #scary, #allhallowseve, #eurekaca, #doormat, #humboldtcounty
#1. OneSnuggle 🍀

1:04 a.m.: #fyah #fire #humboldtcounty #country #beautiful #rustic #glamping ##Humboldt