#47. Jess Barger

5:08 p.m.: Thankful that get to I explore my favorite habitat for a living! #dunes #pnwliving #humboldtcounty
#46. Humboldt Arts Council

4:29 p.m.: Waiting for the next band to start! Redwood Coast Music Festival is off to a great start with swinging tunes by Dave Bennett Swing Quarter and up next at 4:30 is Cocuzzi & Coots with Brian Casserly. Woo! #redwoodmusic #redwoodcoastmusicfestival #rcmf #eureka #eurekaca #humboldt #humboldtcounty #music #jazz #swing #concert #festival #bw #friday #friyay #museum #sunnyday #sun #yay
#45. Lazy Jade

4:23 p.m.: Huge thanks to @johnny5glass for this beast of a spoon. This thing is hella stylin and has some serious weight! Give him a follow and show him some love, you couldn't support a nicer person! There's seems to be a lot of drama in the scene but it's truly a breath of fresh air to meet such a positive member of this community! #glass #glassofig #spoon #spoonlife #headyproduction #supportgoodpeople #boro #humboldtcounty
#44. Lost Coast Nursery

4:16 p.m.: Roots in 8 days #og #ogkush #lostcoast #lostcoastnursery #roots #rootporn #clones #southernhumboldt #garberville #humboldt #humboldtcounty #707 #clonewars #workflow #dope #emeraldtriangle #prop215 #norcal #organic #fire #weedofinstagram
#43. Lucas Burleigh

3:42 p.m.: Sawyer making sure the 4runner is locked and loaded for the beach #minimechanic #teachemyoung #wheelinwithpeewee #humboldtcounty
#41. Humboldt Threads

2:56 p.m.: New hoodie. #humboldtcounty #whatsyourhilllife #hilllife #humboldtthreads
#40. T. Roll

2:48 p.m.: #whittling #art #wood #Humboldt #humboldtcounty finished finally. Was a long process
#39. Fire & Light Originals

2:37 p.m.: The Fire & Light Twilight On The Rocks Glass. #recycled #glass #functionalart #fireandlightoriginals #madeincalifornia #glassware #cocktails #itsfiveoclocksomewhere #classyglass #environmentallyfriendly #ecoproducts #inspiredbynature #humboldtcounty #arcata #collect all #colors
#38. Jolly Proper

2:37 p.m.: Was headed back home after working on the @rosinrepublic farm and stopped to explore the old 299. I found the area littered with butane cans everywhere and bags of old used trim. Please don't use my playground as your dumping ground. Have some fucking responsibility and get off the tane. #humboldt #humboldtcounty #litter
#37. Space Gem Candy🍁🌈🦄

2:35 p.m.: #Repost @kind_solutions with @repostapp. ・・・ @space_gem_candy to the rescue! No more boo boo BHO with snow cone syrup! Now you can have organic activated cannabis elixir with organic fruit and organic bubble hash! You know the drill, these won't last, yada yada yada. #humboldtmade #humboldtgrown #humboldtcounty #welivedifferent #womenwhogrow 🍭🍓Blueberry, 2 and 4 oz bottles. 😋💃🏽👷🏼
#36. Javi

2:18 p.m.: Goodtimes. #fluffyseasonisover #goodtimes #family #fam #trinidad #humboldtcounty #trinidadbeach #lvft #freighttrain
#35. Dave M.

2:15 p.m.: Here we grow again. Using the dirt of the gods out of Humboldt County, California. All the additives are already included so in theory using plain water is all I'll need for this run. #greenthumb #stickythumb #rootorganics #humboldtcounty #formula707
#34. smokebluntsx

2:05 p.m.: Good ride with my buddy @chunkglass down the Hammond trail #humboldtcounty #bmxclassics #supergoose #funtimes
#33. explorehumboldt

2:02 p.m.: It's that time of year so mark your calendars for 4.22.16 cause we're celebrating WWIM13! If you're interested in getting together with a bunch of photographers and putting faces to those Instagram handles then this is your jam fam! We'll have a photo scavenger hunt, winners will be posted on this page and will win a swag bag of goodies from local businesses. After we will go to the @hsufilmfest at 7! #SeeYouThere
#32. Zach Zinsmann

1:58 p.m.: Finally got my new shop today. Hope to be open in about 2 weeks after we paint and get everything moved over. We'll be located at 317 E. St. Eureka, CA in Old Town. #eureka #humboldtcounty #newstore #newspace #oldtowneureka #store #mcm #midcentury #midcenturymodern #modern #vintage #furniture #decor #midcenturyhumboldt #opensoon #artsalive
#31. Zach Zinsmann

1:57 p.m.: Finally got my new shop today. Hope to be open in about 2 weeks after we paint and get everything moved over. We'll be located at 317 E. St. Eureka, CA in Old Town. #eureka #humboldtcounty #newstore #newspace #oldtowneureka #store #mcm #midcentury #midcenturymodern #modern #vintage #furniture #decor #midcenturyhumboldt #opensoon #artsalive
#30. Spencer Dybdahl Riffle

1:48 p.m.: Take Back the Night is happening next week! Events start on Monday and culminate on Friday with a march through the town! • -Monday April 4th •Men's Circle - 3pm Neslons Hall rm 120 •Queening Bystander Intervention 630pm Multicultural Center •Clothes Line Project 330pm Nelsons Hall rm 119 - Tuesday April 5th • Screen Showing of "Hunting Ground" 6pm Arcata Theatre Lounge -Wednesday April 6th •Healing Through Gardening 2pm Multicultural Center •Screen showing of "For Colored Girls" 6pm African Amrcn Center for Academic Excellence -Thursday April 7th •How Title 9 Impacts Us 7pm Seimans Hall em 128 -Friday April 8th •Clothesline and Silent Witness Project, University Quad •Take Back The Night, music and poets 5pm KBR •Survivors of All Genders Speak Out, 6-9pm KBR •Women/Fem Identified March to Arcata Plaza, 9-945pm •Bus ride to plaza for all other participants 9-945pm •Community of All Genders March, from Plaza to HSU 1015-11pm • Reclaiming Sacred Night 11-130pm HSU Take back the night is a community event during which we address the commonly glossed over issue of sexualized violence. Sexualized violence includes rape, partner violence, and child abuse. Take Back the Night is a time to come together in support of people who have experienced sexualized violence. It is a time of empowerment and healing for the people who have been victimized. It is a time to say we no longer are going to accept the current social rape and abuse supportive culture we all live in. Please mark your calendar and come out on April 8th! • #arcata #eureka #Humboldt #humboldtcounty #norcal #ferndale #endrape #fuckrape #love #acceptance #safe #community #activism #philanthropy #volenteer #hsu #humboldtstate
#29. Stevo

1:44 p.m.: Live on the air at the KHSU studio today with master storyteller Jeff Demark! #khsu #humboldtcounty #npr #publicradio #publicradiolife
#28. Humboldt Light Dep Company

1:06 p.m.: Donated one of our Auto Light Dep Retrofit Kits to the Humboldt Home Brew Festival taking place in Arcata this weekend! This event is one of the biggest fundraisers for the Engineers Without Borders North Coast Professional Chapter. We're pretty damn excited about this because the Retrofit Kit retails for $2,500 and is being auctioned off = going to help raise a lot of $$$ for a great cause. Fundraiser-funded projects include constructing a water well @ a hospital in Camoapa, Nicaragua and enhancing a wastewater treatment plant in La Manzanilla, Mexico! Check out humboldthomebrew fest.com for tickets & info. P.S. BEER!!! 🍺🍺🍺
#26. lostcoastconnoisseur

12:52 p.m.: Finalized logo. Now it's time for jars n slaps ;) #fullmeltfam #humboldtcounty #northcoast #makinmoves #cannabiscommunity #prop215 #solventless
#25. Diane's Sweet Heat

12:49 p.m.: Hi everyone. My name is Diane, And THIS is how I party. :) #HSU #spring #sprung #localproducts #dedication #instacool #HumboldtCounty #CSU #humboldtmade
#24. Sarah Jane

12:28 p.m.: One lucky girl!✌ #wonderlandnursery #tooblessedtobestressed #bestcrew #sohum #humboldtcounty #moreinside
#23. Stef Jade

12:12 p.m.: Following my aunts directions to get to her house in Petrolia today! She's lived there for over 20 yrs and I've never made it out to California to see it. I've heard dreamy stories about the land there, and all about the famous Lost Coast. Her directions say things like "head through the Eucalyptus forest" and "travel along the Redwoods" 😍🌲❤ . . . #highway1 #california #travel #humboldtcounty #petrolia #vanliving #vanlife #vanlifediaries #vanlove #adventure
#22. Friends of the Dunes

12:10 p.m.: Sightings on the trail for the month of March. Visit the Humboldt Coastal Nature Center and help us fill in April trail sightings! #friendsofthedunes #humboldtcounty #coastalaccess #nature #dunes #humboldtcoast #biodiversity
#21. explorehumboldt

11:20 a.m.: I made a new logo today! I used a website called freepik for the vector graphic and the background is a shot I took a while back.
#20. Liz Lux

11:06 a.m.: Seeing and buying and eating #dicktaylorchocolate in NYC! #humboldtcounty #thebestchocolate @bluebottle
#19. retired living in mexico

11:02 a.m.: Waiting on my final building electrical inspection for my indoor grow lol :-) This is a real wireing job at a indoor grow wonder why so many burn down. #l502 #washingtoni502 #indoorgrowing #electrical #710 #420 #hightimesmagazine #skunkmagazine #emeraldtriangle #mencinocounty #humboldtcounty #medicalmarijuana #juryrigging #firedanger
#18. Heather Parker

11:02 a.m.: Living my life by this simple yet complex sentence. So much has happened in the last six months and through it all, I haven't stopped. Some things slow me down but I'll never stop moving! I have been feeling so thankful for the opportunity that I came across about a month ago and am working towards my goals one inch at a time! I've been feeling lame the last couple days because of this stupid cold and flu but my nutrition has been on point so I'm trying not to beat myself up too much. 22MHC, I'm coming for you tomorrow am!💪🏼😈 #WHYNOTYOU #cantstopwontstop ➡️Im looking for determined, positive, amazing people who love crushing goals and are up for a challenge💪🏼 I'm so ready for YOU!😍 Reach out to me via comment, PM or email❤️ hevparker@yahoo.com 💌 . . . #hardworkpaysoff #strugglebus #crawling #butstillmoving #encouragement #positivity #positivevibes #personalgoals #personaldevelopment #humboldt #humboldtcounty #loveyourlife #beabetteryou #beyoutiful #humboldtbay #sunrise #sun #water #puddle #reachforthestars #reachouttome
#17. Dell'Arte International

10:51 a.m.: "Milk tastes better when it's cold. It's less alive. You could almost believe you're drinking wine." MFA 3rd years Grace (USA), Tone (Denmark) and Vida (Iran) in rehearsals for their thesis show. #daischoolofphysicaltheatre #physicaltheatre #2016thesis #theatreschool #milk #humboldtarts #humboldtcounty
#16. Ben

10:47 a.m.: I will be volunteering at this great event happening this Sunday. I encourage all Humboldt residents to attend and feel the Bern! #humboldtcounty #humboldt #arcata #northernhumboldtforbernie #berniesanders #bernie #bernie2016 #berniesandersforpresident #feelthebern #notmeus
#15. Joes Liquor & Mini Mart Inc

10:40 a.m.: @humboldtbrewingco with #blackxantus now available @joesliquor great 11% stout for a cheap price $8.29 #hemp #420 #bottleshop #craftbeerheaven #craftshop #craftbeer #canyoncountry #valencia #saugus #newhall #stevensonranch #sandcanyon #humboldtcounty
#14. Joes Liquor & Mini Mart Inc

10:37 a.m.: @humboldtbrewingco with #hempale and #rednectar released for April 20th. Brewed with hemp seeds get your 6pack today. #joesliquorscv #hemp #420 #bottleshop #craftbeerheaven #craftshop #craftbeer #canyoncountry #valencia #saugus #newhall #stevensonranch #sandcanyon #humboldtcounty
#13. Javi

10:17 a.m.: Goodtimes with this one. #goodtimes #humboldtcounty #humbolt #lanovia #collegecove #trinidad #trinidadbeach
#12. Northcoast Horticulture Supply

10:10 a.m.: NHS Vendor Dayz 2016 is just a few weeks away! #savethedate #humboldt #humboldtcounty #420 Bbq, raffles, bulb recycling - largest selection of vendors yet, samples, schwag galore!! All in support of @humboldt.green week and @cannifest
#11. Humboldt Heddies

9:27 a.m.: Here it is, kids. Humboldt Heddies brand new logo that will be placed on all our new products including hats. Keep posted and see what we got and get your orders in! #Humboldt #HumboldtCounty #EmeraldTriangle #Mendocino #Trinity #BayArea #Oakland #YayArea #Richmond #Berkley #SF #Custom #CustomClothing #CustomShirts #HandDrawn #HandMade
#10. CeeeeliA 🙊

9:25 a.m.: Not the best flic but super awesome piece 🐉🔥🔥🔥 #gottacatchemall #amok #humboldtcounty #graffiti #art
#9. Lauren Marie

9:24 a.m.: Here it is, kids. Humboldt Heddies brand new logo that will be placed on all our new products including hats. Keep posted and see what we got and get your orders in! #Humboldt #HumboldtCounty #EmeraldTriangle #Mendocino #Trinity #BayArea #Oakland #YayArea #Richmond #Berkley #SF #Custom #CustomClothing #CustomShirts #HandDrawn #HandMade
#8. ❇🌲Emerald Orchards 🌲❇

9:24 a.m.: I'll be here tonight with the press squishin and dabbin at the 1st Cloud Sesh in Oakland #weshouldsmoke #doyouevenrosin #youmadwedab #solventless #rosin #cookiesorbetter #cookies #415 #510 #215 #humboldtcounty #emeraldtriangle #humboldttothebay #hashbar #undergroundornothing #undergroundonly #underground
#6. valenciadanielle

8:52 a.m.: My very first tattoo! #tattoo #first #love #humboldtcounty #tat #perfect
#5. thedankknight420

8:42 a.m.: #hashtoppedbowl #extracts #tdk420 #reddiesel #dank #humboldtcounty #stonersofinstagram #420 #420blazeit #chronic #cannabis #cannabisculture #cannabiscommunity
#2. Suki Berry

12:28 a.m.: Goth on a log. Photo cred to @matthewthegreat #beachgoth #humboldt #humboldtcounty #redwoodstatepark