#52. Leo๐ฏ

6:54 p.m.: #selfie #goproapp #goprohero #californialiving #californialove #explorecalifornia #exploreeverything #exploring_shotz #naturelife #naturehippies #natureza #humboldtcounty #hikingpictures #hikingadventures #adventurer #adventuretime #mylife #postoftheday #photooftheday #photography #naturephotography #instagram #goproselfieoftheday #goprooftheday
#51. Therese Meyer

6:40 p.m.: Cheezin' by the waterfall after an amazing yoga session. I love Humboldt County ๐#HumboldtCounty #lostcoast #explorehumboldt #fpme
#50. ladyothesea

6:37 p.m.: RGB and shades of gray #colorsoflight #natureart #simplebeauty #humboldtcounty
#49. Christian G

6:29 p.m.: #throwbackthursday 1989 #California #vacation #humboldtcounty #arcata #vintage
#48. Matthew Guerrero

6:15 p.m.: #bestlifeproject #fuelyourbetter #concretecreations01 #art #larabar #nike #matthewguerrero #runner #bboy #humboldtrockers #humboldtbboy #humboldtcounty #EllenContest #vega_team #breaktime #sponser #sponsormatthewguerrero
#47. Weed For Warriors Humboldt Co

6:14 p.m.: This is a Weed4Warriors Project Meeting for Veterans!!!!! ๐ฏ ๐บ๐ธ #humboldt #eureka #fortuna #mckinleyville #arcata #hydesville #veterans #humboldtcounty #cannabiscommunity
#46. Hailing From Humboldt

6:05 p.m.: Trim run out for its first flip and smelling ๐๐๐ช๐๐๐ #trimrun #loud #loudaf terps #nugrun #shatter #terpy #organic #terpsap #lowandslow #medicalmarijuana #marijuana #bud #maryjane #weed #purgedextremelyproper #dabs #bho #cleanmeds #dewaxed #humboldt #humboldtcounty #humboldtgrownhumboldtblown #humboldtstateofmind #prop215 #weshouldsmoke
#45. Rick Alvarez

5:24 p.m.: Hitting that stride! #screenprinting #screenprint #humboldtcounty #humboldt #slingingink #squeegee #t-shirts #printninja #workhorse #sroque #work #workflo
#44. California Hunting Addiction

4:51 p.m.: #Repost @hehuntsshecooks with @repostapp. ใปใปใป Throwback Thursday field photo of my first California blacktail buck, shot on a Wilderness Unlimited property in Humboldt county back in 2004. Blacktail venison has an incredible flavor and is our favorite deer meat. We celebrated this deer by pairing the roasted rack of venison with a 1990 Silverado Cabernet - it was delicious! #husbandandwifeteam #hehuntsshecooks #blacktail #deermeat #californiahunting #deerhunting #humboldtcounty #whatgetsyououtdoors #rifleseason #huntingshow #hunting #wildernessunlimited #tbt #throwbackthursday #eatwild #winepairing #fieldtoplate #fieldtotable #californiahunting #californiahuntingonly #californiahuntingaddiction
#43. Fauna Rose

4:30 p.m.: Delivering this #weddingalbum to the #brideandgroom today. I'm so in love with how it turned out! #humboldtcounty #faunarosephotography #garberville #weddingphotographer #redway #shc #phonepic #brownpaperpackagestiedupwithstring
#42. Laura C Ramirez

4:29 p.m.: #chai #frappuccino #nutrabullet #beautifulday #sunnyday #humboldtcounty #yum ๐โ๏ธ๐๐ผ
#41. Humboldt Sun Growers Guild

3:50 p.m.: Welcome to the team @4thgenfarmshumboldt #HumboldtSunGrowersGuild #truehumboldt #Repost @4thgenfarmshumboldt with @repostapp. ใปใปใป thank you to the lovely girls at @truehumboldt can't wait to work together. #707 #fullsun #truehumboldt #Humboldt #Humboldtcounty #organic #outdoor #weed #moldfree #420 #emeraldmagazine
#39. A-Man-Duh

3:17 p.m.: That's pretty coolโขโข #humboldtchocolate #humboldtcounty #home #california #chocolate #peanutbutter #delish #TOMS #oldtown
#38. Toni Tuttle

3:16 p.m.: So glad i got me some #dutchbros its #love #inacup #missedit #humboldtcounty
#37. A-Man-Duh

3:09 p.m.: In needโขโข #thanks #dbroshumboldt #humboldtcounty #california #coffee #yum #energy #thompsonwedding2k16
#36. small club

3:09 p.m.: sea-stacks form when softer rock is eroded by waves, leaving only columns of the harder material… seems to apply to old dog heads too. #seastack #oldladylump #seniordogsrule #muttvillealum #thisisthelife #beagleweenie #17yearsold #norcal #humboldtcounty #camelsbackbeach
#35. Humboldt Pet Supply

2:54 p.m.: Repost: @molly_bojangles what a great welcoming committee! ๐ถ #humboldtcounty #humboldtpetsupply #adorableanimals #pets #petsupply #Arcata #supportlocal #organic #ecofriendly
#34. TexasJGreen

2:13 p.m.: Almost road worthy. Just needs brakes! #Humboldt #humboldtcounty #lifebehindbars #cycling #commuter #vintage #bicycle
#33. Weed For Warriors Humboldt Co

2:10 p.m.: S/O to @jacksextracts for another generous donation! We love the packaging and always full of surprises! much love ๐๐ผ๐บ๐ธ #compassion #humboldtcounty #wfwphumboldt #army #marines #navy #airforce #coastgaurd #veterans #prop215
#32. He Hunts She Cooks

2:03 p.m.: Throwback Thursday field photo of my first California blacktail buck, shot on a Wilderness Unlimited property in Humboldt county back in 2004. Blacktail venison has an incredible flavor and is our favorite deer meat. We celebrated this deer by pairing the roasted rack of venison with a 1990 Silverado Cabernet - it was delicious! #husbandandwifeteam #hehuntsshecooks #blacktail #deermeat #californiahunting #deerhunting #humboldtcounty #whatgetsyououtdoors #rifleseason #huntingshow #hunting #wildernessunlimited #tbt #throwbackthursday #eatwild #winepairing #fieldtoplate #fieldtotable
#31. Tribal Government

1:37 p.m.: Bear River Library has free books. Stop on by and check out our Library #california #bearriver #nativeowned #nativebusiness #bearrivercasino #wiyot #casino #humboldtcounty #bearriverbandofrohnervillerancheria #bearriverband #bearrivercasinohotel #tishnon #loleta #library #freebooks #book
#29. C.J.'s Sash & Door

1:27 p.m.: Just a few tennons. #oldgrowthredwood #replacementsashwindows #mortisandtenon #tennoner #humboldtcounty
#28. Nugames

1:23 p.m.: Time for another Prerelease, one of our favorite kinds of events to put on at Nugames! All of our events are $30 and Sealed (6 packs of Innistrady goodness). We will be having a bunch of fun events going on at BOTH locations (Arcata & Eureka). So follow our Facebook pages to get the times of each event. The whole thing starts April 1st to April 3rd! #humboldtcounty #mtg #tradingcards #shadowsoverinnistrad
#27. ab@santiamorganics.com

1:23 p.m.: #MycoFusion #HumboldtCounty #MysteryBucket #Green150 #RhizoCharge
#26. humboldtgrace

1:15 p.m.: meeting of the minds, coffee, waves, then back to creating.#humboldtgrace #humboldtcounty #GTLi #workingfriendships #womanist #heartwise
#25. Hailing From Humboldt

12:15 p.m.: Muffin madness. I cant wait for this mini slab to be finished, the terps are absolutely astounding #muffinmadness #trimrun #terps #shatter #terpy #organic nugrun #terpsap #lowandslow #medicalmarijuana #marijuana #bud #maryjane #weed #purgedextremelyproper #dabs #bho #cleanmeds #dewaxed #humboldt #humboldtcounty #humboldtgrownhumboldtblown #humboldtstateofmind #prop215 #weshouldsmoke
#24. Hailing From Humboldt

12:11 p.m.: Trim run clarity #claritycounts #trimrun #terps #nugrun #shatter #terpy #organic nugrun #terpsap #lowandslow #medicalmarijuana #marijuana #bud #maryjane #weed #purgedextremelyproper #dabs #bho #cleanmeds #dewaxed #humboldt #humboldtcounty #humboldtgrownhumboldtblown #humboldtstateofmind #prop215 #weshouldsmoke
#22. lostcoastconnoisseur

11:40 a.m.: #throwbackthursday to my first indoor crop ever back in high school. Haha good ole times ๐ #cannabiscommunity #backwoodsinthebackwoods #humboldtcounty #fullmeltfam #growyourown #fueldedbythc
#21. Humboldt chocolate Eureka Ca.

11:24 a.m.: Humboldt Chocolate bars are now hitting the shelves in our local SAFEWAY stores! Eureka and Arcata today Mckinleyville and Fortuna tomorrow. #humboldtchocolate #humboldtmade #safeway #humboldtcounty #chocolate #woodlab #visualconcepts
#20. Humboldt Threads

10:56 a.m.: Per some customers requests we have colors available. #hilllife #humboldtthreads #humboldtcounty #clothingbrand
#19. Humboldt Pet Supply

10:36 a.m.: For two weeks only, all "Ruffwear" items 25% off! From harnesses to travel packs. Sale Ends April 5th. #humboldtpetsupply #ruffwear #Sale #humboldtcounty #Arcata #supportlocal #traveling #adventure #pets #dogs #petsupply
#18. The Bodega

10:08 a.m.: Rainy days are perfect for cuddly plushie's … Who wouldn't want snuggles with severed satsch heads, cat balls & flasher bats?? All hand made by the epically talented @carefulitbites !!! #sasquatch #severedhead #flasherbat #plushie #catball #humboldt #humboldtcounty #eurekaca #oldtown
#17. Rosin Revolution

10:05 a.m.: From @humboldtdabstuh - Good morning HUMBOLDT COUNTY. The rosin is clear. Can't say the same for the sky. @humbubbleextracts #rosin #slab #sfvOG #indoor #fullmelt #iwe #solventless #hashish #90u #bubblehash #sho #707 #norcal #RosinRevolution #hashofIG #justblazeIG #kronic #710 #potheadsociety #weshouldsmoke #indica #sativa #hybrid #weedstagram #420 #nofilter #humboldtcounty #highgrade
#16. Muziq Lement

9:14 a.m.: This used iPhone6 (AT&T) is in great working and looking condition. Has 128GB of storage and operates with latest iOS update. Comes with brand new headphones and charger, along with original packaging. Recently upgraded to the iPhone6 S. It's the only reason why this smartphone is being sold. #humboldt #humboldtcounty #humboldtstate
#13. Matthew Guerrero

8:33 a.m.: #bestlifeproject #fuelyourbetter #brendanbrazier #concretecreations01 #hp #veganworkoutfuel #vega_team #vegasport #thrive #thriveforward #matthewguerrero #sponser #sponserme #trailrunner #trainingformyfirsthalfmarathon #runnerfreak #run #collegeoftheredwoods #11miles #ancientbodies #humboldtcounty #humboldt #laughdancesponsor #redwoods @theellenshow @vega_team @brendanbrazier @sir_twitch_alot #sponsormatthewguerrero
#12. Kathleen Stivers

8:12 a.m.: Such a beautiful mama-to-be. #kathleenamelia #kathleenameliaphotography #kathleenameliaphotographer #eureka #eurekaca #humboldt #humboldtcounty #humco #humboldtphotography #humboldtphotographer #maternity #maternityphotography #maternityphotographer #babybelly #blackandwhite #dress #floral #floraldress
#11. Rachael Walsh Jackson

8:08 a.m.: Since the Easters is upon us, I must post one of my favorite pics of us three stooges. It's also easy to have a favorite pic when parentals didn't take a lot of photos! Crystal and I are adorable with our baskets and bunnies and Littlest Pet Shop toys to keep us occupied during church. And we mourn the loss of Mike's incredible head of moppy hair. #Easter #Walshkids #humboldtcounty #tbt
#10. Land of Lovely / Sarah Land

7:34 a.m.: More and more new stuff coming in! #landoflovely #homedecor #farmhouse #uniquegifts #northerncalifornia #humboldtcounty #eureka #hendersoncenter
#9. Bo Justin M.

7:09 a.m.: #abandonedplaces, #overgrown, #decay, #victorianhouse, #oldhouse, #humboldtcounty, #vintage, #eureka, #preservation, #realestate
#8. Bo Justin M.

7 a.m.: #abandonedchurch, #abandonedplaces, #oldchurch, #preservation, #vintage, #eureka, #humboldtcounty, #church, #faith, #notrespassing
#7. Bo Justin M.

6:53 a.m.: #abandonedchurch, #abandonedplaces, #oldchurch, #eureka, #humboldtcounty, #decay, #urbanexploration
#6. Lourdes Lopez Martinez

6:44 a.m.: Road trip Humboldt University here we come #roadtrip #humboldtuniversitybound #driving #girls #Hubby #humboldtcounty #springpreview
#5. Loren

3:05 a.m.: #waiting for a table at #sushi #tao with #thelittleagent #sushitao #arcata #707 #humboldtcounty #waterfeature #glassworks #yesfilter #dadlife #magic #littlehands #functionalart #4thdimension #getbacktowork #adobelife #rainbowcountry #bubblebobble #artglass
#4. Humboldt's Smoking Caterpillar

12:39 a.m.: Beware, it's an Alien Lizard invasion! #HumboldtsSmokingCaterpillar #DanaHawkes #HumboldtGlass #GlassArt #SmokeShops #GlassPipes #USAMade #HumboldtCounty #LocallyProduced #Boro #GlassPorn #Summertime #Blaze #LocallyMade #HighSociety #Smoking #StonerNation #HighLife #Kush #Humboldt #LocalMade #EmeraldTriangle #California
#3. Taylor Faye

12:33 a.m.: new babes looking sooo majestic under this blessed full moon ๐๐ฎ๐ #goddesses #fullmoonparty #quartzcrystal #loveandlight #gooutsideandplay #celestialcleanse #humboldtcounty #cyclesoflife #thistooshallpass #resetintentions #eatsleepyoga #selfreflection #practicegratitude
#2. Juston

12:20 a.m.: My buddy and I got 11 striped seaperch perch,a greenling, a blue rock and a black rock. My buddy also got a 18 inch lingcod off a pice of shrimp. Safely returned home to fight another day! #humboldt #lingcod #rockfish #humboldtcounty #feelfreemoken12 #perceptionkayaks #perceptionstriker @feelfreeus @perceptionkayak@austin_kayak #humboldtyakfishing #therealnorcal #humboldtbay #live #life #love #northjetty
#1. Juston

12:15 a.m.: Nice day on the jetty this past Sunday!! #humboldt #lingcod #rockfish #humboldtcounty #feelfreemoken12 #perceptionkayaks #perceptionstriker @feelfreeus @perceptionkayak@austin_kayak #humboldtyakfishing #therealnorcal #humboldtbay #live #life #love #northjetty