#35. ©a️ndy™.

6:12 p.m.: Maple duck from @saltfishhouse a new favorite👌🏻#duck #foodies #humboldtfoodie #humboldtcounty #cali #foodporn #food #arcata #arcataplaza #💯
#33. Tribal Government

5:31 p.m.: Graduation dinner for native youth in the community. #graduation #california #bearriver #loleta #humboldtcounty #bearriverbandofrohnervillerancheria #bearriverband #bearrivercasinohotel #tishnon #nativepride #2016 #decorations
#32. Triston Palma 🎶

5:22 p.m.: #Repost @funxta with @repostapp. ・・・ Live in the studio with Triston Palma & Marlon Asher! In Humboldt County! Tonight @redfoxtavern in Eureka, Ca. Also performing, Stevie Culture!! Boom! #funxta #rastafari #trinity #tristonpalma #marlonasher #ganjafarmer #jokersmoker #original #420 #710 #707 #ganjaepicenter #ganjaguardians #ogkush #sourdiesel #gotthelife #studio #check in the #redwoods of #humboldtcounty! #jahrastafari
#31. Natural Decadence

5:04 p.m.: We are back at @humboldtcidercompany serving our delicious #glutenfree pizzas on Fri-Sun. Come on by and enjoy 😋🍴
#29. lowtide

3:58 p.m.: Check this out.. #whiskeybus #humboldtcounty #biker #lowtide #salmonkeeper #citytraffic #bolt #whiskey #boltwhiskey #I5
#28. Emily Percival

3:56 p.m.: Frist smoke of the day!!! Needed this!! #onedayatatime #Iwillbeok #humboldtcounty #lonelystoner
#27. Beneficial Living Center

3:55 p.m.: Fun with logo! #humboldtgrown #humboldtgardener #humboldtfarmers #emeraldtriangle #arcata #humboldt #humboldtcounty #feedyoursoilnotyourplants #soilfoodweb #soilbiology #feedthesoil #notill #livingsoil #composttea
#26. Humboldt Vibe Tribe

2:56 p.m.: Hope everyone is having a blessed and sacred chakra Saturday 🙏✌🌲 #HumboldtVibeTribe #peacetree #pineconePendant #chakra #meditate #meditation #sacred #wisdom #3rdeyeopen #balance #pendant #drawings #handmadeJewelry #blessed #saturday #yoga #moonstone #labradorite #agate #gems #stones #humboldt #humboldtCounty #positive
#23. Humboldt Heddies

2:28 p.m.: It's finally here. Humboldt Heddies X @babiicris Colab. Come vibe with us in Oakland May 21st for the album drop #FEARLESS #BabiiCris #HumboldtHeddies #Humboldt #HumboldtCounty #YayArea #Oakland #Richmond #Berkeley #SF #CustomShirts #HandDrawn #HandMade
#22. STIL

2:17 p.m.: During a recent beach run and adventure, Panda and Rhythym negotiate the large logs allowing them to cross Guthrie Creek. #humboldt #humboldtcounty #guthriecreek #centerville #pnw #pacificnorthwest #pacificocean #waves #ocean #beach #explorehumboldt #coast #pacific #bluesky #explore #adventure #teamstil #outdoors #beachrun #running #hike
#21. Humboldt Smoke Shop

2:09 p.m.: Follow your favorite grower's favorite grower @dragon_w_matches @emeraldfamilyfarms #dragonwithmatches #emeraldfamilyfarms #humboldtcounty #humboldt #cannabis #medicine #humboldtgrown
#19. jet🌙

1:12 p.m.: The bounty of #humboldtcounty 🌿🌸! #marketday #localfood #succulents #herbs #beets #itsalwaysbeets #freshies #localeverything
#18. Lauren Marie

12:39 p.m.: It's finally here; Humboldt Heddies X @babiicris Colab. May 21st come kick it with us in Oakland and grab one of our shirts! #HumboldtHeddies #BabiiCris #babiicrisgear #Humboldt #HumboldtCounty #From #Japan #To #TheBay #YayArea #SF #Oakland #Berkeley #Richmond #Fearless
#17. Caitlin Alice

12:23 p.m.: Worked with a bunch of volunteers removing invasive ivy today ☺️ definitely gonna sleep well tonight because I worked my ass off! Most people left early but I was there till the end pulling those fuckers out of the ground 😜 #humboldt #humboldtlife #humboldtcounty #northerncalifornia #whatveganslooklike
#16. Caitlin Goughner

12:18 p.m.: #farmersmarket #haul #firstoneoftheyear #strawberries #artichokes #basil #lettuce #tomatoes #yum #local #organic #arcatafarmersmarket #HumboldtCounty
#15. mtbHumboldt

11:30 a.m.: @sirschneider getting fully pinned through a fun little section of trail. You know she ain't scared of a high speed huck to flat! #mtbhumboldt 📸 - @digitallcowboy
#14. terp_killah

10:52 a.m.: Yolked the fuck out #countrystore #arcata #humboldt #humboldtcounty #fuckthatsdelicious
#13. Sunrise Mountain Farms

10:35 a.m.: Finally got those logs stacked! So gratifying to see things get cleaned up after looking at the mess for months. The Bobcat has been a blessing to making my plans come to fruition. And it's a ton of fun to run as well! 🍻 to getting shit done! 🍁🌳🍁🌳🍁💥#gotowork #sunrisemountainfarms #bobcat #logs #lovewhatyoudo #humboldtgrown #humboldtcounty #humboldt #cannabis #cannabiscommunity #ganja #ganjafarmer #medicalmarijuana
#12. Pacific Outfitters

10:29 a.m.: #pacoutgreenteam vs Samoa Beach. Home of the weekly 60 minute cleanup!
#11. Humboldt Lighting ®

10:22 a.m.: Feeling the love. Check out @beneficiallivingcenter in Arcata. Now carrying @humboldtlighting #humboldtcounty #lightdep #humboldtcountyssuninabox #cannabisculture #cannabiscommunity #commercialgrow #indoorgrow #greenhouse #humboldtmade #supplementallighting #growbig #growbigorgohome #horticulture #agriculture #indoorgrowing #commerciallighting #humboldtlighting
#10. Hali Southard 💜

9:13 a.m.: HAPPY GRAD DAY YOU BADASS GRADUATES!! 🎓🙌 anyone else not walking the stage today? . Have I unintentionally become obsessed with yellow? 😋 I'm getting in my PD, got my yellow dranks ready and cardio 3 waiting me to push play…. then REDDING BOUND! . I decided to spend the day with family and friends at home instead of walking the stage at grad.. everyone said I'd regret it but in my mind, the perfect celebration consists of family and friends together, not whether or not you walk across a stage. . I'm so freakin thankful I've learned to not give one shit about what anyone else thinks… I'd probably be nervously getting ready to walk and worrying about tripping right now instead of getting ready to go home and see my Red town peeps 💚 do you boo, it's YOUR LIFE 😎 . "Do not waste your precious time giving one single crap about what anyone else thinks of you" Jen Sincero 💛 . #happyandhealthy #happinessiskey #happymind #happysoul #loveyourself #lovelife #cantstopwontstop #studentlife #sociology #mentalhealth #mentalillness #pcosfighter #pcosweightloss #pcosfighter #aquarius #humboldtcounty #northerncalifornia #norcal #igotgoals #mycatsarelife #kittylove #meow #kittymama #hardcorps #asthmatic #asthma #inhalerlife
#9. Humboldt Cider Company

8:33 a.m.: Getting the wood fire oven going for today's #pizza! Congratulations to all the #graduates this #weekend. Open 12-9pm #woodoven #woodovenpizza #eureka #ilikeeureka #cider #craftcider #himboldt #humboldtcounty #hsu #humboldtstate
#8. BitterSweetArcata

8:26 a.m.: Congratulations to all the #graduates! What an exciting time • Come celebrate with some #cider and #pie • Open 11am-11pm #HSU #Humboldt #humboldtCounty #Arcata #OffThePlaza #Graduation #weekend #Relax
#7. 🌸😂 Jillian 😴🌸

7:37 a.m.: Not feeling so good this morning, but at least the view is nice 😊. Have a wonderful day beautiful people. #myview #myworld #mylife #humboldtcounty #humboldt #norcal #california #cali #westcoast #happysaturday #happiness #mywindow #caligirl #rain #sun #nature #nofilter #simple #android #androidography #lg #eureka #saturday #morning #goodmorning #beautiful
#4. acevedosasha

5:47 a.m.: Can't wait to see you baby!! #rottweilersofinstagram #rottweiler #mychildrenhavepaws #brumhilda #borninhumboldt #humboldtcounty #rottweiler
#3. marlo

3:48 a.m.: #portland #cali #seattle #hightimesmagazine #nyc #chiraq #washington #atl #cannabis #lasvegas #la #tshirts #marijuanashirt #frozentangerines #trichomeclique #womenwhogrow #cbd4ptsd #medicine #humboldtcounty #weedclan #forthepatients #mendocinocounty
#2. Jens Hansen

1:42 a.m.: Haliwhuuuuuut?@madrivertackle @fishingmylifeaway @feelfreeus @kayaktrinidad @fishingismydrug @selfmademedia @natesocean @corysoll @headwaterskayak @yakattack @yakgear 🐠🎣🦀 #modernvikings #madrivertackle #fishingmylifeawayguideservice #feelfreekayaks #headwaterskayak #wernerpaddles #yakattack #yakgear #stohlquist #cressidivesuits #anglerapproved #shimano #avett #humboldtcounty #california #pacificocean #fishing #xtratuffboots
#1. marlo

12:18 a.m.: #hygrohybridtheory #cali#kushkidcollectiblez #rockstar #reverseebbnflodwc #hightimesmagazine #nofilter #frozentangerines #trichomeclique #womenwhogrow #cbd4ptsd #medicine #humboldtcounty #weedclan #forthepatients #mendocinocounty