2018 Tempus Fugitives: Glory Diver
2018 Tempus Fugitives: Glory Diver
“Now more right side up!”
Captain: James Smith / Years Raced: 10 / Years Aced: 5

2018 Tempus Fugitives: Glory Diver | Monday, 2 p.m.
Ferndale Foto Finishes

2018 Tempus Fugitives: Glory Diver | Sunday, 5:51 p.m.
Soggy Glory

2018 Tempus Fugitives: Glory Diver | Saturday, 10:38 p.m.
Dune Depictions

2018 Tempus Fugitives: Glory Diver | Saturday, 5:13 p.m.
A description of the sculpture courtesy its designer:
ART: After seeing some remarkable things while being upside down in the bay last year, we have decided to turn our machine in to a submarine. Glory Diver will continue our tradition of mining all of the world’s Hobartonium, the true source of all Glory on this planet. We’ve drilled for Glory, now we will dive for Glory. Come sail away with the Tempus Fugitives!
ENGINEERING: We have completely rebuilt our machine from the ground up. A good long soak in the bay did not do it any favors. We have lowered our center of gravity, along with our standards, to prepare this submarine for underwater mining operations (and to hopefully not flip over again!)
OTHER: 6 1/2 feet wide, 15 feet long, and 7’ tall, we have significantly lightened our load to not only go faster, but to increase our payload for all of that Hobartonium! With 4 Grand Champion awards under our belt, we are calling this race the “Dive For Five!”