2018 Swallow This!
2018 Swallow This!
“Sushi never got fresher!”
Captain: Daniel Dorrell / Years Raced: 0 / Years Aced: 0

2018 Swallow This! | Monday, 2 p.m.
Ferndale Foto Finishes

2018 Swallow This! | Sunday, 6:12 p.m.
Soggy Glory

2018 Swallow This! | Saturday, 5:13 p.m.
A description of the sculpture courtesy its designer:
ART: Swallow this! The classic game for all ages! Sushi never got fresher! Get Your Gold on and satisfy your cravings! This sculpture from Boulder, Colorado is a 50th anniversary golden goldfish providing fresh golden fish to masses.
ENGINEERING: The TDA-10 (Base craft) was built for the Colorado Kinetics Race as a one off machine for that event and has been running in that event since 1990. It is a 15 speed sociable tandem with independent but combinable peddle drives that can be clutched to either the land or water drives or both. 115 pounds of sub-frame, suspension and mechanics is supporting a 35 pound Kevlar/S Glass/Foam/Wood composite unibody. The back wheel assembly is another 35 pounds.
OTHER: With the seats and course debris, the whole craft is about 200 running pounds. The sculpture is 6ft high and 16ft long with 3 wheels. The top land speed is about 10 mph and the top water speed is about 7mph. Original TDA-10 Construction Team: Daniel Dorrell, Mechanical and Composite Design – Fabrication. Karl Templeton, Mechanical Design – Fabrication - Assisted Composite fabrication. Eric Howard, Composite Fabrication – Assisted with Design. Logan Ball, Assisted in Mechanical Design – fabrication – First Assembly Merle Reynolds, Machinist. Steve Day, Machinist. Swallow This! Construction Team: Daniel Dorrell Design – Fabrication. Jonathan Sterner. Design – Fabrication. Kerry Macdonald, Design – Fabrication