2018 Cloud of Unknowing: Flying Squirrel
2018 Cloud of Unknowing: Flying Squirrel
Captain: Tom Duffy / Years Raced: 3 / Years Aced: 0

2018 Cloud of Unknowing: Flying Squirrel | Monday, 2 p.m.
Ferndale Foto Finishes

2018 Cloud of Unknowing: Flying Squirrel | Sunday, 6 p.m.
Soggy Glory

2018 Cloud of Unknowing: Flying Squirrel | Sunday, 12:05 p.m.
Cloud of Unknowing: Flying Squirrel Enters the Bay
Flying Squirrel soars over the water.

2018 Cloud of Unknowing: Flying Squirrel | Saturday, 5:13 p.m.
A description of the sculpture courtesy its designer:
ART: The 12 person machine has been completely rebuilt since it appeared as a ¾ sized blue whale skeleton in 2015. This year, it takes its inspiration from the flying squirrel, who can effortlessly GLIDE! If we have any pageantry, it will involve the next generation, dressed up as acorns in tie-dyed shirts.
ENGINEERING: Engineering was labored over for months. Oh my goodness. I can’t even begin to describe what has been happening with cut up parts and the welding machines in my garage. We’d have to check with Tom and he still has the welding helmet on here ten days before the race, so we have to wait and see.
OTHER: Tom Duffy is the creator and engineer. He just loves building these contraptions! He draws the entire family into it somehow, so I love that. Again, he went big, and we can’t even yet tell you how long it will be once the tail is added, but with the head, I measure it about 30 feet long by 8 feet wide and 10 feet tall. When the flying squirrel extends its legs, it will be about 14 feet wide, but no worries, that will be way over heads in the air! So we’re gliding up to race day with our entourage of 50 people or so, and look forward to seeing everyone else’s creations. Glory!