2018 CrABBA
2018 CrABBA
“A dazzling decapod, an entertaining invertebrate.”
Captain: Travis Bullock / Years Raced: n/a / Years Aced: n/a

2018 CrABBA | Monday, 2 p.m.
Ferndale Foto Finishes

2018 CrABBA | Sunday, 6:12 p.m.
Soggy Glory

2018 CrABBA | Saturday, 10:27 p.m.
Dune Depictions

2018 CrABBA | Friday, 3:21 p.m.
A description of CrABBA courtesy its designer:
ART: It’s a well-known fact that after 35 years, ABBA have reunited. Less well-known is the fact that they have united intosomething grander, greater, and more glorious - that’s right, over the past three decades, ABBA metamorphosed into asinging, dancing CRAB. CrABBA is a dazzling decapod, an entertaining invertebrate. It’s a popstar with both pizazz andfully articulated pincers. MAMMA MIA - our band of merry CrABBAsolutely crustaceous friends are gifted with exponentialgrooves as they hit the CrABBA Park dance floors with their CrABBUlous claws. You’ll pause in awe at CrABBA’sspectacularly shining claws, bibbly bobbly eye stalks, and this dancing crabs anatomically accurate sideways shuffle!!!!!
ENGINEERING: Our glorious dancing crab features front suspension, a rear 1” differential, cable-pulled steering, home made 71 spokedtriple cross wheels, disc brakes— which we are confident have a 50% chance of performing efficaciously, and 588 gearcombinations per pilot for a total of 345,744 gear combinations. We will propel our way through the bay with paddlewheels as we float on yard-made foam pontoons and roll over the dunes on foam sand tires. Our machine’s ability toACE despite our underfunding is a true testament to the ingenuity of our engineering. For the Glory!