by Ryan Elmendorf and Nick Geurts from Denver, CO
Artist description from iBurn:
Awakening is a large scale interactive steel sculpture of a human head and two hands emerging from the ground. The head and hands are 20ft tall and the hands are placed an “arms” length away from the head with palms facing inward, as if the giant being is looking at its hands for the first time.
The interior of the head is a darkened room that participants can enter and serves as a theater for viewing the outside world through the eyes of the head, as well as a control room for movement of the hands. Using optical lenses in the eyes, the head is a stereoscopic camera obscura that focuses light from the outside and projects an image onto the back surface of the room. Participants are given 3D glasses to give the image depth with the perspective of a giant being. The field of vision of the projected image is nearly 180 degrees vertically and horizontally, which gives the viewer a sense of immersion. Each eye has a high-intensity spotlight to illuminate objects in its view at night.