The Before… Project
The Before… Project
The Before… Project
by Eric Schurman
Artist description from iBurn:
The Before… Project inspires Participants to think through what they want to do in life and share these aspirations in a public space. It is comprised of inspirational signs surrounding a cylindrical temple space with glowing white curved fabric exterior walls. A short hallway opens into a round, welcoming, comfortable, carpeted, lit space with beautiful wooden walls, topped with the text “Before I die, I want to ______”. The walls are covered with writings from Participants finishing that sentence – “… make up with my parents”, “… travel to Africa”, “… help pass an Equal Rights amendment.” People wander through, being inspired by the thoughts of others, and writing their own thought on the walls. In the center of the room is a table to provide a place to sit and talk and plan.
Inspired by the work of Candy Chang, with permission.