The Giant Weta
The Giant Weta
-The Giant Weta-
by: Andrew Benson, Hippathy Valentine and Auckland Burners from Auckland, New Zealand
Artist description from iBurn:
Giant weta are endemic insects native to and only found in New Zealand. Their genus name, Deinacrida, is Greek for “fierce grasshopper.” Larger weta can be up to 10 cm (4″) long not inclusive of legs and antennae and it is one of the heaviest documented insects in the world. Due to introduced mammals the weta is now an endangered species.
We are making a 50:1 scale model of real life giant weta and making it shoot flames.
It is being built in Auckland, New Zealand, taken to Black Rock City, returning to New Zealand for Kiwiburn and then finally being installed somewhere in New Zealand as a permanent installation.