Inside the Mind of DaVinci
Inside the Mind of DaVinci
-Inside the Mind of DaVinci-
by Phoenix Rising and Wrecking House
Artist description from iBurn:
A larger than life sculpted head is partly submerged in the earth from our Renaissance past. In a dust storm you stumble upon it and are awed by its presence as the sands blow off of it. Walking around the large sculpture you can enter: Inside The Mind of DaVinci.
The back of the head is cut out into two archways allowing entrance into the hollowed out interior of the piece. The interior has etched into the surface, Leonardo’s sketches and writings. Geometric shapes that illuminate colors of blue, red and yellow create a unique and pleasant atmosphere with beautiful colored shadows cast by the sun inside the head.
The inside of the head is a resting area where there are cement balls to sit on that can be pushed and rolled leaving written words in the sand. It is a community spot for gathering and sharing artistic and inventive ideas. The piece consists of concrete, bronze, recycled glass and metal.