Mechanica Musica
Mechanica Musica
-Mechanica Musica-
by Douglas Ruuska from Boston, MA
Artist description from iBurn:
The participant sees an 8-foot wheel with someone walking inside of it, creating beautiful music.
The art responds to user’s desires by means of an input musical seed, but only if they are willing to generate the motive force making it play. Thus it becomes a more powerful & versatile object. The old & the new meld together: mechanical linkages & controls work in concert with computationally intense algorithms creating a delightful musical instrument for everyone.
This goes beyond the limitations of expectation for the original; music boxes usually play one short tune. Here is shown that things do not always behave according to one’s expectations.
The viewer is the catalyst necessary to fulfill its potential, becoming an integral component of the creative process. They become the artist, only one that is making a unique, ephemeral creation, the music, by means of their input & operation, all played out on the canvas of our device for the delight & appreciation of all around them.