Tangential Dreams
Tangential Dreams
-Tangential Dreams-
by Arthur Mamou-Mani from London, United Kingdom
Artist description from iBurn:
Tangential Dreams is a climbable sinuous tower made from off-the-shelf timber and digitally designed via algorithmic rules. One thousand “tangent” thin wooden pieces are held in position via horizontal pieces rotating along a central axis, gently moving in the wind like leaves of a giant tree. The pieces are stencilled with inspiring sentences, and dynamically lit by LED strips during the night time. In line with this year’s theme, the piece is reminiscent of Leonardo’s Vitruvian Man’s movement and helicoid inventions as well as his deep, systematic, understanding of the rules behind form to create art. From a wooden flame all the way to a giant desert cactus, the complex simplicity of the art piece will trigger many interpretations, many dreams. The audience will read and discuss the poetry written on each tangent coming from the Burners’ community itself via our crowd funding campaign like a collage of sentences creating a serendipitous “cadavre exquis” of thoughts.