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1964 Flood 50th Anniversary Gathering

Arcata Theatre Lounge

A gathering to commemorate and reflect on the northern California 1964 flood will be held at the Arcata Theatre Lounge on Sunday, December 21, at 6 p.m. Admission is $10. Fifty years ago, a great flood sometimes known as “The Christmas Flood of 1964” occurred in northern California and the Pacific Northwest, peaking on December 21st and 22nd. The gathering, on this day of the peak flow, will be to remember the flood and celebrate the resilience of our community. The event will feature short and entertaining talks by local scientists about what happened, how it happened, how people and watersheds recovered, and how it changed the way we manage landscapes and watersheds. The event will include an immersion in the events and atmosphere of 1964 and stories from people who lived through the flood. Several short films and slide shows will be shown. Books and DVDs about the flood will be available to purchase. “This event is being organized by a loose group of local earth scientists who are still in awe of the size of the flood and the changes it wrought, said Michael Furniss, a local hydrologist and one of the organizers. “We are cooking up an evening that will be festive, informative, interactive, and fun”. Food and refreshments will be available. Dressing up 1960’s garb is encouraged, but not necessary. An after-party will feature a DJ playing 1960’s tunes. Brought to you by the: North Coast Earth Science Community of Practice Sponsored by: The Smith River Alliance, Cascadia GeoSciences, The Mad River Union, and Wild Earth Press Net proceeds will be donated to Humboldt County Red Cross. Facebook page: Tickets are available at or at the door.

  • $10
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