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Advanced Skills Training: The Role of Fascia in Asana

Om Shala Yoga


Join Samantha Akers, E-RYT500, CMT, for this groundbreaking training in fascial anatomy. Based on the Anatomy Trains model by Tom Myers, this is the first time The Anatomy Trains have been blended, in detail, with Yoga Asana. With new research in the science of stretching, it is more important than ever that as yoga teachers, we are able to have an understanding of our fascial network, learning to read where restrictions live in our students and how those are holding our students back. We need more than just the same simple alignment cues for each student, viewing the body as muscle and bone. We can train our eyes to see what each body is in need of on a global level. Generally, where we think the restriction is, it isn’t. The site of pain is not likely to be what is causing pain. This groundbreaking way of viewing the body in asana, will keep teachers in the top of their field and keep students safer and happier in their practices.



What you will learn in this 4 day intensive:



-How muscles really work
-What happens in a stretch
-Properties of fascia
-Introduction to Anatomy
-“Anatomy Trains” lines of fascia: Superficial & deep front & back lines, lateral line and spiral line
-Full body reading techniques
-Applications in Asana
-Hands on Practice
-Sequences to help work with specific patterns/restrictions



This will be full of eye opening lecture, demonstration and lots of fun hands-on practice. Students can be yoga teachers or be a PT, OT, CMT/bodyworker or a student with a strong yoga practice.



22 CEU credit with Yoga Alliance available.



Thursday 5-8pm (introductions and lecture)
Friday 1-6pm
Saturday 10am-6pm
Sunday 9am-5pm



$400 for the 4-day series
Day One: Getting to know your fascia, introductions - $40
Day Two: Feet, Deep Front Line, legs and standing balance - $110
Day three: Hips, Superficial lateral, back and front lines. Related Asana - $125
Day four: Upper Body, Spiral and Arm lines. Proper shoulder girdle mechanics. Related Asana - $125



$360 Early bird rate available until 4/13/17
*Special discounts for current Om Shala teachers and Yoga Teacher Trainees - inquire at front desk!



Required Reading :
“Anatomy Trains” second or third edition by Tom Myers



Suggested Reading:
Re-Connect Your Dots by Suzi Alderete (can be found at



Samantha Akers has been a student of Tom Myers, as a CMT, since 2009. She leads this training with her extensive knowledge and experience as a Yoga Therapist, Yoga Teacher and CMT. Many insights you will gain come from her hands on work with Tom Myer and Todd Garcia through cadaver dissection of not only the entire body, but also specific work with the myofascial lines. This training also encompasses a blend of information from Russ Pfeiffer (Structural Movement and Rolfing), Chrys Kub (P.T.) and Robin Rothenberg (Yoga Therapy).


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