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Chakra Wisdom with Robyn and Patrick

Om Shala Yoga


The chakra system is an ancient yogic map to understanding ourselves physically, psychologically, emotionally and spiritually.
In this session, you’ll explore the essence of each chakra through mind, body and sound. You will also experience a special movement practice to access the intrinsic wisdom these potent energy centers have for your life. Bring a big life question you are wanting to answer and let the Chakra Wisdom answer it for you.



This is not a postural yoga event. Includes movement, meditation, mantra, and fun interactive exercises. Everyone is welcome!



Saturday, December 9: 1 - 3:30pm
$30 if paid by Dec. 5, $38 after
Register online at



Robyn Smith and Patrick Harestad are certified Anusara Yoga Instructors and body workers who have been teaching yoga for over 40 years combined. They have practiced and taught meditation in the Tantrik traditions of Kashmir Shaivism and Vajrayana Buddism respectively for many years. Recently, Robyn and Patrick have been practicing and studying Neo-Tantra and are excited to be sharing their wealth of knowledge in harmonizing the energetic system to enhance mental states and relationships. They are currently enrolled in the SkyDancing Tantra Coach and Teacher Training. They teach yoga at Inner Freedom Yoga in Arcata.


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