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Night Tide (1961)

Arcata Theatre Lounge

The best in B science fictions movies, drive-in classics, psychotronic weirdness and more. A free raffle before the feature include some very cool, very strange science fiction prizes including figurines, posters, books, cards, VHS movies and more for that inner science fiction enthusiast in us all.Sponsored by La Dolce VideoSavage Henry MagazineScrap HumboldtPhantom Wave Records, Daisy Drygoods, Vintage AvengerTin Can MailmanThe Clothing DockMEAT Clown Buttons, and more.

She is destined to murder men on the night of a full moon.

Writer/director Curtis Harrington does an admirable job working around the severe budget limitations of the 1963 psychological chiller Night Tide. Sailor Johnny (Dennis Hopper) falls in love with carnival-girl Mora (Linda Lawson), despite warnings that Mora is a “jinx” who has brought about the deaths of two previous suitors. Mora performs a mermaid act at the carnival, but to her it’s no act: she believes herself the descendant of an underwater race that must kill by the light of the full moon to survive. One evening, Mora tries to kill Johnny, prompting his quick exit. He returns some time later to discover, all too late, that the film’s real villain is the jealous carney owner (Gavin Muir). ~ Rottentomatoes.


  • $5

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