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“Let’s Get Serious About Calculus”

Blondies Food and Drink

Come join us at BlondiesFood AndDrink on May 6th for the final Science on tap of the year! Jeff Haag from the HSU Mathematics Department will give an informal lecture - more information below:

On tap are infinite series. We start with small sips: we add up infinitely many numbers. Then we’ll take bigger gulps: we add up infinitely many variables. Do not confuse this with the harsh brew you might have been served in calculus class. This is delicious stuff.

We’ll roll these ideas around in our minds and get pretty intoxicated. Then, just when we are enjoying what we think is a nice recreational buzz, we’ll see that we have been considering some of the most important ideas in fields like ecology and physics.

Calculus is not difficult. It is intuitive and appealing. There are some surprising subtleties, and we do have to admit infinity into our work. But the payoff for just a little mental effort is rich, rewarding, and delightfully intoxicating.

Jeff Haag has been a professor of mathematics at HSU since 1990. His teaching philosophy can be summarized in four words, familiar to his recent students: understand simple things deeply. He is a beer drinker with a softball playing problem and ran his sixth marathon this year.

Science on Tap will return in September!


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