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The Early Show
Stand Up! Comedy presents a different kind of comedy show. It’s The Early Show! Local comedians join comedians from all over the country to talk, perform, and share their love of comedy with you. If you love comedy - this show is for you!
This month features Butch Escobar from San Jose, Anthony Medina from Oakland, Joe Whiskey-Whiskers Deschaine from Arcata via Maine, and Ivy Vasquez from Eureka via Visalia. Sorry Ivy.
And that’s not all! The first four comedians to sign up each get 5 minutes of stage time! Sign up starts at 7:45 sharp!
It’s only $3 to see whether this turns out to be a good idea, or if it’s a total train wreck. That’s got to be worth $3.
- $3
- Ages: 21+
- Phone: 707-822-5266
- Web site