Codium setchellii (Green spongy cushion)
Codium setchellii. Photo: (c) teastham, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC)
Codium is a genus of seaweed in the Chlorophyta of the Order Bryopsidales. There are about 50 species worldwide.
Humboldt Life
Kingdom: Plantae (Plants)
Phylum: Chlorophyta (Green algae)
Class: Ulvophyceae (Ulvophycean green algae)
Order: Bryopsidales
Family: Codiaceae
Genus: Codium (Codiums)
- Species: Codium setchellii (Green spongy cushion)
Genus: Codium (Codiums)
Family: Codiaceae
Order: Bryopsidales
Class: Ulvophyceae (Ulvophycean green algae)
Phylum: Chlorophyta (Green algae)
Kingdom: Plantae (Plants)