@ 4:20 p.m. / Pollz

POLL! Consult Your Arthritic Knee And Then Predict if Humboldt Will Have a Wetter Winter Than Normal

As Humboldt hunkers down for its annual snuggly season, LoCO can’t be alone in wondering what level of winter wetness awaits us this year, right? So far it’s sure seemed like we’ve been damper than normal. The data collectors at the National Weather Service support that hunch — we’ve had nearly an inch more rain since Oct. 1 than we had at this point last year and two-thirds of an inch more than the norm. From NWS:  

Now, government statistics are all well and good, but we would be foolish to ignore the other trusted metric accessible to us, namely how LoCO readers are feeling about what the sky is about to do to us. Y’all are finely tuned, weather predictin’ machines capable of unexplainable, groundhog-like accuracy. So, tell us, how much rain are we getting this year?

1,148 votes cast.


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