Friday, Feb. 16, 2024 @ 4:20 p.m. / Pollz
POLL! Which Humboldt Business Has the Best Salad Bar?
In the past, we’ve asked our readers to weigh in on their favorite Humboldt bars for enjoying a beer or cocktail, but today we focus on a different and possibly less appreciated type of bar — the salad bar!
Though COVID shut down salad bars for a while, and some seem to have never returned, there are many local places again offering folks the power and freedom to create their own salad from an array of greens, toppings and dressings. Sure, some folks may scoff at the idea of paying money to assemble their own salad. This poll is not for you. This poll is for those who want to be their own salad boss.
So, for our weekend poll, we’d like to know: Where is the best salad bar in Humboldt?
2,309 votes cast.