@ 4:20 p.m. / Pollz

POLL! Power Struggle! Should the City of Blue Lake Pursue Proposed Plans to Build a Battery Energy Storage Facility?


This week, the Blue Lake City Council delayed the ultimate decision on whether or not to pursue a controversial battery energy storage facility that would be located on the site of the city’s defunct power plant. Stay tuned!

Supporters of the project argue the facility will provide five-day backup power supply to the city during extended power outages. Also, PowerTransitions, the company proposing the project, says it will foot the bill for the much-needed site cleanup. 

Those who oppose the project say the facility, which would be located on the banks of the Mad River, poses safety risks due to threats of water contamination, explosions and/or toxic gas leaks. They also question the PowerTransitions’ CEO’s past ties to Enron. 

What do you think?!

1,292 votes cast.


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