Wild Currant Berries

Daily Photo

Tomorrow lights the horizon like a Harvest Moon and all my Summer days were filled until work gushed over into the nights but …

But I didn’t

  • taste this summer’s wild currants—pressing the rich dark cylinders against the roof of my mouth until the juice slid wetly, wonderfully down my throat
  • Hike the foggy, far reaches of the Lost Coast wandering among wild elk while seagulls claim the shore
  • Stand cheering wildly, rubbing shoulders with ranchers in their western shirts and ex-loggers with their beer bellies and suspenders, as long legged horses race at Ferndale
  • Kayak the unbelievably blue waters of Stone Lagoon and camp the wild far shore
  • Slide my hands into a tangle of thorns and pick pans full of wild blackberries
  • Try one last time to slip my camera around the two fox cubs leaping wildly in front of my car
  • Spend more time searching the black depths of a wild Humboldt night, imprinting the small stars into my heart before the city lights wash them away

The wild is disappearing, the Summer is melting towards Fall and I’m not making time to watch them go.