Capturing the Sun

Daily Photo

Follow my line of thought here.  It’s convoluted but I’ll try and keep it simple. Halloween =Scary + Fun

Scary=Evil-trying-to-get-me. Thus, Halloween=Evil-trying-to-get-me + fun

That is why I am responding to a Meme here.

What?  You don’t get it?  Let me spell it out…

Memes are Evil but I enjoy reading other people’s responses.  People tagging me with Meme’s are evil people trying to get me. Thus we have Halloween=Memes.

I have been tagged with a 7 Random Facts about Me Meme. (Yes, I am fully aware that I just wrote ‘me’ three times. Me Meme. But that’s the kind of person I am, Life’s all about me, me, me.) Since its Halloween, let’s add in a squeeze of pumpkin and a pinch of cobwebs.

1.  Once my evil mother (I know some of you think she is a saint—my oldest child threw her up to me as a saint last night—-but she can be vicious.) made me go trick-or-treating with nothing but my Dad’s old hunting jacket and my brother’s paper mache’ Jack-o-Lantern that he made in first grade.  I had to be the Headless Horseman when every other girl in fourth grade was a princess or a movie star.  I’m still traumatized. I’ll bet I’m not the only one with costume trauma. (Someday, I’ll crawl to the Pearly Gates and St. Peter will take one look and yell “Emergency, we have another victim of Costume trauma.  Get her to the E.R. stat!)

2. I steal borrow my children’s Halloween candy. I don’t want them to get sick….so I sacrifice my size 6 pants on the altar of their good health. (I wonder if St. Peter might not send me to the other place for this idolatry after they fix up my costume trama.)

3. Once I took another kid trick-or-treating and, attempting to live up to his vampire costume, he chomped a glow-in-the-dark bracelet that I had given him— glowing green goo oozed out of his mouth while we all stood around awestruck with horror—hours later it was still occasionally trickling out. Then right in front of my eyes, he caught his cloak on fire from a Jack-o-Lantern and we had to roll him screaming on the ground.  I saw his open mouth really well because it was outlined with green goo….

Do you want someone to watch your kid go trick-or-treating this year?

4. I start buying Halloween candy right after Easter.  I think those little marshmallow chicks look really scary after 6 months….

5.After seeing The Exorcist many years ago, I trailed my blankie behind me down the hall and knocked on the door , pleading to sleep with …my college housemate that night.  Even as an adult, I’m not overly brave. (And no, I did not taste her cherry chapstick! She made me sleep on the floor.)

6. Yesterday, the store had 10 of those great big Hershey bars on sale for 10 dollars…I’m betting there will still be three left tomorrow for my kids…  Otherwise, I’ll have to go back.  I wonder if the store will still have the same deal?

7. Do you think there is a special hell for mom’s who not only eat their kids’ Halloween candy but lie about it?   Not that I’m talking about me…Just sort of speculating, for the sake of science…


I’m supposed to tag other people

1. Heather because I’ll bet she eats her kid’s candy, too—St. Peter might not have room for her either.

2. Jen because she makes me laugh.

3. Just a small Town Girl who had a horrible Halloween last year.

4. Ernie because I’ll bet he has some great Halloween tales of around here when he was a kid.  Hint, hint?