
The Fog Also Rises

Daily Photo

The Nikon Naiad’s Song

When morning light throws golden nets

Across the splash of Humboldt fog

Fishing for creatures of the night,

They scatter —

Slipping into caverns of shadow

Till the sun sails off to lay its lures in other waters.

-                   -                              -

But I, like Neptune’s errant wife,

Hair still streaming from the shower,

Break head above the rolling ridges

Breathing air again— at last.

-                  -                             -

Then surfing the sunlit swells, tripod in hand,

I cast the invisible line of my lens

For a silver fraction of an hour,

Carting home a supply of soul

To sustain me till darkness flees again

Before the sun—-

-                  -                              -

Which throwing out its morning lines across the sky,

Keeps me from drowning

Beneath the days.