
Just a note or two:

Cristina Bauss has written a wonderful new piece based on information from Emma Worldpeace that compares the drug use and death rates of Southern Humboldt youth to those of youth statewide.  The statistics are staggering! Below is just a piece from what Cristina (and Emma) had to say!

“Compared to other Humboldt County census areas,” Worldpeace reported, Southern Humboldt’s youth death rate per 100,000 population is significantly higher – 28.3 to 14.2 [countywide average].” The area with the next-highest numbers – Trinity-Klamath, which includes Hoopa and Weitchpec – had 23.4 youth deaths per 100,000, with Arcata coming in a distant third at 14.5.

In related news, Attorny General Eric Holder declared yesterday that federal agents will ony go after dispensaries and other marijuana distributers when they violate both state and federal law.  In other words, the federal government will start respecting state law.


Note,  if marijuana were legalized, the culture of secrecy would dissipate—no longer requiring regular sacrifices of our young.