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As a community with roots deep in the illegal marijuana trade, questions have always been asked about the effect of this on our growing youth.  On the one hand, our community produces delightful, independent, service oriented young people like Emma Worldpeace and on the other hand, youth who die in seemingly horrifically large numbers.  In an effort to gather information and jump start a conversation on “on teen health and wellness,” Emma Worldpeace is helping to organize and energize a discussion that will “focus on prevention of death among youth in our community through creating and supporting yourth programs.”

Live Music provided by rapper, Subliminal Sabotage,, and snacks  integrate fun into the youth based event.  See the flyer below for more information.

Youth Alive!, a community forum on teen health and wellness, will take place March 13th from 5:30-8:00 at the Women’s Civic Club in Garberville.  The forum is an extension of Healing Arts Alive!, and will be followed by a free performance by members of Subliminal Sabotage.

All ages are welcome, and particularly teens & twenty-somethings (and their allies) that have the energy and investment to launch and participate in projects in the coming months. After a group survey on death among youth in Southern Humboldt, we will break into topic circles to discuss and action plan for prevention through youth programs, intervention strategies and healthy grieving.

Circle topics that will be present are: Outdoor Adventures (mountain biking, rafting, hiking, rock climbing, surfing), Motor Cycle Riding, Mental Health/Suicide Prevention, Teenage Grief Team, Volunteer Fire Fighters/Emergency First Responders, Impaired Driving, Youth Arts Week-Spring into Arts!, Parents of Teens, SFHS Library/Community Learning Center.

Attendees are encouraged to bring ideas for specific projects that they would like to engage in or create in Southern Humboldt. The forum is meant to be an energizing starting point. The goal is to create opportunities for teens and twenties to engage with their community and find inspiration, as well as to connect youth with their allies in the community.

This event is inspired by the research and action of Emma Worldpeace and is sponsored by GrandMothers Circle and SoHum Family Resource Center.