On Tuesday, Mark Lovelace will present a report to the Board of Supervisors (BOS) about the issues surrounding marijuana that eventually the county will need to grapple with.  According to Lovelace, these issues will include “grow houses, dispensaries, outdoor cultivation, testing and labelling, transportation, certification, pesticide and herbicide use, edibles, and many other issues.”

Because the marijuana situation in Humboldt County is so complex, Lovelace plans on recommending “…that we move forward piece by piece, starting with a revised ordinance to deal with growhouses and dispensaries.  This draft ordinance will be based heavily on the Arcata and Eureka ordinances, to provide for a consistent approach county-wide.”

This ordinance won’t however be discussed until Wednesday as it has to go through the Planning Commission first.  The draft will then be put on the Community Development Services’ website on December 15th.  Then it will be discussed at the Planning Commission meeting on January 6th.