Reports are varied and fragmented at the moment, but everyone who was at the special Humboldt County Board of Supervisors meeting on the General Plan Update seems in agreement that something very, very massive has happened.

In short, we feel safe in saying that three of the board’s five supervisors — Ryan Sundberg, Virginia Bass and Rex Bohn — expressed interest in chucking out a large portion, and perhaps all, of the 12 years of work that has gone into updating Humboldt County’s general plan. Now on the Board of Supes’ desks, the update is at the finish line.

The general plan update has gone through years of public testimony, years of staff work, months and months of planning commission hearings, and waits only for a vote from the final deciders. Which, if reports are to be believed, now wishes to reboot the thing.

The consequences of this would be enormous. We’ll have the tape of what went down sooner or later. For now, the only eyewitness report was published by a “Thomas Bradshaw” on the Humboldt Sentinel, a website run by Access Humboldt’s Charles Douglas, who often films these meetings as part of AH’s contract with the county.

But earlier this morning, KHUM’s Mike Dronkers spoke with longtime GPU-watcher Jen Kalt, who currently works with Humboldt Baykeeper. She describes what went down from her opinionated but extremely well informed perspective, and it is not pretty:
