Man, not a lot going on this Monday which, in one sense, is a very good thing! No one is dying or being maimed! That is swell. But LoCO‘s hands have been all too free to grab at Christmas cookies left over from our weekend company party and that is not a good thing.

So! What is this on LoCO‘s Facebook wall! It seems that a 3rd grade teacher from Coastal Grove Charter School has shared with us some art done up by one of her students for entry into the Arcata Police Department holiday art contest. Yes! Let’s look at it now!

Hooray! Let’s all love this!

“On Rudolph! On [Arcata Police Chief] Tom Chapman!” says the round-headed Santa to his pair of hopefully soon-to-be-flying reindeer! We have not seen any of the other submissions to this rumored contest, but can we agree that none will top this? Can we, please? 

P.S.: We promise to have some news on marijuana tomorrow! Merry Christmas, Humboldt!

PREVIOUS SLOW NEWS DAY: LoCO Tried to Tail the News Channel 3 News Van to Find Some News