Stay away from the jetties today people, or prepare to be crushed by giant 20-plus foot waves.
The National Weather Service of Eureka expects monstrous waves to affect Humboldt, Del Norte, and Mendocino coastlines throughout the day, so be alert. And if you must go, remember to send some cool pictures to your old friends at the Outpost.
You’ve been warned, Humboldt. Enjoy your weekend.
National Weather Service of Eureka:
High surf will develop late this morning and continue through the early evening, with breakers of 20 to 23 feet along the Del Norte, Humboldt, and Mendocino coasts. Breaker heights will decrease in size late this evening and overnight tonight.
Beachgoers should stay farther back from the surf and off of jetties or rocks, and mariners should use extreme caution when operating near the surf zone. Enjoy from a distance!
File photo by LoCO reader Neva Swensen.