UPDATE, 9:30 a.m.: More choppers incoming! Says Jacobs this morning: “Two [Army] Chinooks may be stopping by to refuel this afternoon.”
Apaches over Israel. Photo: Wikimedia.
The Humboldt Internets have been awash with reports of scary-ass helichoppers doing maneuvers over our sovereign land all weekend.
Says one Friend of the LoCO:
Any idea on what’s going on with the helicopter circling the eel river down here in Rio Dell?
Posted by Kristene Tavares on Saturday, January 9, 2016
A little bit of an idea, Kristene! Emily Jacobs, the program director of the county’s aviation division, texted the Outpost that these were, in fact, military Apache helicopters. They were part of an “ongoing coastal operation,” Jacobs said, and that they were due to park at the California Redwood Coast — Humboldt County Airport Saturday night before rotoring off elsewhere to continue their no-doubt nefarious business.
Not that unusual of an occurrence, as the links below will show.