Reader-submitted photo.
The facade of the Bayshore Mall’s Petco store seems to have taken a beating overnight, as lots of Outpost readers have noticed today. Glass has been smashed and metalwork bent out of shape. What is going on? people ask.
Brittany Powell, spokesperson for the Eureka Police Department, tells the Outpost that cops received a call about this just before 4 a.m. today. An alarm at the store had gone off, notifying an employee at home; that employee called the EPD.
When police arrived, they ascertained that someone had smashed a vehicle into the front of the store, then beat it on out of there. Powell says that a witness on scene said they saw a black sports utility vehicle with body damage leave the Bayshore Mall parking lot at the time of the incident.
Nothing seems to have been stolen, Powell said. They’re currently attempting to acquire surveillance video of the incident.