It’s been nearly two years since the City of Eureka launched its parklet pilot program. The results are in, they say. Parklets are great and beloved. This being the case, we need more parklets.
Want one? Learn more about clearing your very own parklet from the press release below:
The City of Eureka is now accepting applications for new Parklets. Parklets are mini-parks
(approximately 6 feet wide by 20 feet long) that occupy one on-street parallel parking space in
order to provide space for public recreation and seating for private businesses. Parklets are
effectively sidewalk extensions that extend out from the sidewalk at the level of the sidewalk.
In 2015, the Eureka City Council approved the temporary construction of four parklets in Old
Town and also approved an 18-month parklet pilot program to evaluate them. Since that time,
the four parklets that have been constructed have received positive feedback from the parklet
owners, nearby businesses, locals, and tourists.
Current parklet locations are:
A Taste of Bim (613 3rd Street)
Ramone’s Bakery (209 E Street)
Provisions (AKA Humboldt Bay Tourism Center) (2nd and G Streets)
The Siren’s Song Tavern (352 2nd Street)
More Parklets are now allowed throughout the City. It is important to note that all costs
associated with the design, permitting, construction, and operations of parklets (past and future)
are borne solely by private parties, such as business owners and property owners. Parklets are
also permitted through a rigorous process and must comply with safety requirements and design
criteria developed by the City’s Design Review Committee, Transportation Safety Commission,
and Arts and Culture Commission.
Eureka is now accepting applications from anyone interested in constructing a parklet. We are
excited to see what the increase in the presence of parklets brings to Eureka! Anyone with
questions about parklets, and anyone interested in creating a parklet, should contact Lisa Savage
at 707-441-4186.