3,000 lbs. of Marijuana Seized and Destroyed After DEU Serves Warrants on Highway 36 Properties
Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office press release:
On Wednesday, Dec. 6, 2017, the Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office’s Drug Enforcement Unit (DEU) assisted the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, State Water Board and County Code Enforcement with two search warrants between the 26000 and 28000 block range of Highway 36. Both sites did not possess permits from the County of Humboldt to operate commercial marijuana operations. Neither location had a commercial cannabis application on file. One location was in the application process, but had their commercial marijuana application revoked due to non-compliance. CDFW investigated the environmental violations associated with unpermitted commercial marijuana operations, while DEU investigated violations associated with illegal marijuana cultivation.
CDFW Environmental Scientists located the following violations from both sites combined: six Stream Alteration violations pertaining to water diversions from waters of the state, two Stream Alteration Violations for unpermitted stream crossings, six Water Pollution Violations pertaining to deposition of sediment into waters of the state, and one Water Pollution Violation pertaining to placement of trash into waters of the state.
Code Enforcement located the following violations during their investigation: Unapproved Sewage Disposal System, Improper Storage and Disposal of Solid Waste, four Junk Vehicle violations, four Building Code violations, three Grading without a Permit violations, Use of Mobile Homes/Trailers as a Residence, two Development within a Streamside Management Area violations and Violation of Commercial Medical Marijuana Ordinance.
From both sites, DEU located, seized and destroyed over 3,000 pounds of processed marijuana bud and trim. All subjects located on scene were detained and questioned. No arrests were made; however, the investigation is ongoing.
Anyone with information for the Sheriff’s Office regarding this case or related criminal activity is encouraged to call the Sheriff’s Office at 707-445-7251 or the Sheriff’s Office Crime Tip line at 707-268-2539.