Photos: John Ross Ferrara.

UPDATE, 2:32 p.m.: The fire’s out. Humboldt Bay Fire Battalion chief Kent Hulbert tells the Outpost that it was a pretty small fire, though there were flames inside the building.

An investigator is coming to determine the cause of the fire, Hulbert said. He said that the structure was “not supposed to be occupied,” but that there was some question about whether or not someone was inside the building, or living there.

Firefighters have requested police to respond to the incident command post across the street at the Muni.


A fire broke out in a mother-in-law unit of a home on Eureka’s F Street a few moments ago.

Numerous Humboldt Bay Fire engines are at the scene, which is just across from Eureka’s Municipal Auditorium between 11th and 12th streets.

The first firefighters to arrive reported that the walls of the unit were hot, and that light smoke was leaking out the door and windows.

Firefighters have snaked hose back to the yard. They’ve closed a block of F Street while they knock the fire down.

We’ll update when we know more.

Light smoke emerges from the mother-in-law unit — difficult to see against the fogged-in sky.