Learning is on hold.
UPDATE, 11:18 a.m.: … Aaand we’re back! Multiple reports that the power has returned to campus. Back to class, one and all!
And now, HSU’s much anticipated statement regarding today’s blackness:
HSU’s recent power outage affected several buildings on campus due to an internal issue that’s still being diagnosed. Facilities Management is turning power on at affected buildings one by one as part of its systematic troubleshooting.
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Original Post: Did a night at Everett’s interfere with the studying you should have done for today’s quiz? No worries. Jah, in her infinite wisdom, has decided to grant you an extension.
A good portion of HSU campus — excluding the Jolly Giant Commons, BSS building and the Kinesiology building — are currently without juice. At this point, the cause of the darkness is unknown.
“Power is out in some buildings, and we’re looking into the outage’s extent,” said a representative of the university.
We will let you know when and if the light returns.