File photo on Sequoia Park from that time Masala the Red Panda pulled a runner, prompting a citywide pandahunt.
A reader writes:
All of sequoia park is closed today. Any news on why?
After interrogation, this reader continued:
My sister in law went there today and she said you could not use the park they had the whole thing closed
We called up Miles Slattery, head of the city’s parks and recreation department, to confirm that this is, in fact, the case. No Sequoia Park today.
Why? Because crews are taking out a few problem trees — big Dog firs — that half-fell in the spring, prompting the city to close the road down to the duck pond for fear that the trees would fall all the way and land on someone. The city’s had a hell of a time finding someone to remove those trees, but finally found some loggers willing to take on the job. The only hitch was that the loggers needed to wait for a rainy day — a day rainy enough to shut down their regular gig in the woods. Yesterday that day arrived.
Slattery said that the whole park is closed while the work continues, but he believes that all the trees that the crew had been hired to fell are now horizontal. He’s not yet sure exactly when they’ll be able to open the park again, but they’re hoping for “soon.”
Meanwhile, tomorrow’s been meeting about the future of Sequoia Park is still on, and they’ll have a big tent erected in the picnic area in case of rain. If you care about the park, or if you have ideas about what could make it even greater, the city wants to see you there. Tomorrow, 12:30 p.m. More details at this link.