Sandra Jean Clark
passed away peacefully in her home on December 1, 2018. Although
taken from us too soon, through her strong will, tireless
self-advocacy, and incredible strength and courage she enjoyed many
more quality years than her doctors told her she could expect. All
who knew and loved her are grateful for that. Her strength and
will-power were truly an inspiration to those around her.
Sandy was born on June 16, 1955 in Eureka to William (Bill) Henry Clark and Patricia (Pat) Agnes Moore. She grew up on the Clark family ranch in Petrolia with her older brothers Paul and Tom, and from early on developed what would be a lifelong affinity with horses, dogs, plants and the land. She never shied away from hard work, and from a young age loved working along-side her dad Bill.
Sandy attended Petrolia Elementary School and was active in 4H, and later was active in FFA while attending Ferndale High. Like many Petrolia kids, she lived with friends (C. Joe Hindley and her friend Katie Russ) in Ferndale while attending high school, and would drive home every weekend to work and be with family on the Clark Ranch. After many successful Junior Livestock Auctions, she was able to buy herself a red convertible MGB, which proved to be great for cruising the streets in sunny Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, where she tried out college life for a bit.
Sandy met Gary Edgmon at Fernbridge Cold Storage in 1973. They would later become engaged at the Fortuna Rodeo, and were married on October 13, 1978. Sandy and Gary had two children, Katie and Doug, who were her pride and joy. Sandy’s outgoing and positive nature made her a customer favorite while working at the Ferndale Meat Company. Friends that knew her at this time recall her amazing flower beds and vegetable garden at their home on Spring Street in Fortuna. She also took great pride in her cooking, which was available for many to enjoy at the frequent BBQ’s and family get togethers they had at the house. Sandy enjoyed sharing the house they had remodeled using reclaimed redwood from the Clark Ranch in Petrolia.
In 1984 Sandy moved to Mitchell, Oregon to live and help run The Hashknife Ranch for her mother Pat. Sandy enjoyed many years of building fence, hauling hay, feeding, irrigating, calving in below zero weather, marking calves in the spring, and moving cattle in the summers. She was no stranger to long days in the saddle, and enjoyed ranch life.
In 1997 Sandy moved to Blocksburg where she married Jerry Bugenig. With the help of friends Sandy and Jerry built a handsome home in the hills of Blocksburg from which they ran their beef operation. While in Blocksburg Sandy made many great friends who she remained close to for the rest of her life.
In 2000 Sandy married Craig Hunt and moved to SnowFlake, Arizona. While in SnowFlake Sandy took a wire wrapping class at the local community College, and through wire wrapping found a way to use her extensive knowledge of stones and minerals to both earn a living and to get out and connect with people, both of which she enjoyed for the rest of her life.
Sandy was first diagnosed with ovarian cancer in 2003. She moved back to Fortuna to be closer to her children and grandchildren, Che and Arjana Ochoa and Jayden Rollins-Edgmon. While living in Humboldt, Sandy continued wire wrapping and was a favorite at the local farmers markets and festivals. Her strength and ever positive attitude were an inspiration to those around her. We are all better off for having had Sandy in our lives.
Sandy was preceded in death by her father Bill Clark and her mother Pat Clark. She is survived by her husband Craig Hunt, her brothers Paul (Alana) and Tom Clark, her daughter Katie Edgmon, her son Doug Edgmon, and by grandchildren Che and Arjana Ochoa and Jayden Rollins-Edgmon, and by many wonderful cousins, nieces and nephews.
A celebration of life will be held on Saturday, December 8th at 2 p.m. All who knew and loved her are welcome to attend. Please contact Gail for details on the Celebration at 707-845-5931. In lieu of sending flowers, gifts can be made in Sandy’s name to Cancer Research at the UCSF Foundation.
The obituary above was submitted on behalf of Sandy Clark’s family. The Lost Coast Outpost runs obituaries of Humboldt County residents at no charge. See guidelines here.