They came. They saw. They women’s marched.
On the one year anniversary of Donald Trump’s inauguration disdain for the President remains strong. So, like many other communities across the country, denizens of Humboldt took to their paved places en masse to protest the White House’s current occupant during the Women’s March on Eureka.
Your Lost Coast Outpost was on scene to witness history (again) and snapped more photos of signs than you’re likely to need. (Look at them anyway, below.)
For the record, it felt like the crowd was a tad bit thinner this year than during last year’s record setting event but, geez, not by much. Eureka Police Chief Steve Watson was on hand assisting with crowd control and hazarded an estimate of near 5,000 people in attendance for today’s event but conceded that it was impossible to know for sure.
Lots. There were lots of people. Anyway, on to the signs!