Rep. Jared Huffman at a town hall meeting in Arcata last year. File photo: Andrew Goff.


“Honestly, if Paul Ryan had a kidney stone, I think he might refuse to pass it.”

— Rep. Jared Huffman, on Republican obstinance in Congress.


Our colleague Larry Trask, who runs one of the Outpost’s sister stations — KLGE-FM, “The Lounge,” 94.1 FM on your radio dial — recently launched a new weekly series of quick-hit interviews with Rep. Jared Huffman, Humboldt’s man on The Hill.


Each week, Trask will check in with the Congressman about the issues of the day, with a particular focus on issues of interest to Humboldt County. Do you have a Humboldt-centric question for Rep. Huffman? Send it to — if it’s a good one, Larry will try to put it to the man.

In the first episode, which clocks in at just over seven minutes, Huffman answers: 

  1. What’s at the top of the agenda in D.C. this week?
  2. What’s the deal with these new tariffs on solar panels? Good thing? Bad thing?
  3. When is Congress going to ever get off its duff and pass reforms that will allow cannabis businesses to use banks?
  4. That government shutdown was probably a bad idea, wasn’t it?

Hear what our representative has to say about these things below, on the debut issue of “DC Update,” from The Lounge!

Audio: “DC Update,” with Rep. Jared Huffman. Interviewed by Larry Trask of KLGE-FM.