Candidate Castellano | Photos: Andrew Goff
Earlier this evening in front of Eureka City Hall, Leslie Castellano officially announced that she is running for Eureka City Council Ward One. With a group of her supporters standing behind her, Castellano began by discussing how her experience will help her better serve Eureka.
“Caring for people and building community has been at the core of my work,” said Castellano, a local artist, community organizer and the founder and director of Synapsis, a Eureka dance and performing arts studio. “I am familiar with the energy and organization it takes to develop projects that include feedback and input from a wide range of perspectives. This is a strength I will bring to Eureka.”

Castellano is the second declared city council candidate for Eureka Ward One — the other being local business owner Anthony Mantova, who launched his campaign in May — a seat being vacated by termed-out councilmember Marian Brady.
Leslie’s campaign manager Julie Ryan told the Outpost that she and Leslie met when they worked for the Placebo, a former local all-ages music venue.
“She’s a very genuine, kind, inclusive person,” Ryan told the Outpost. “She definitely knows how to make things happen.”
Castellano talked about her desire to prepare Eureka for a changing economy, the importance of creating educational and training opportunities for the city’s workforce and a need for reaching for more inclusion of local youths. Castellano said she is excited by the possibility of facilitating a youth caucus, where young people’s voices can be heard by local government.
“I’m excited to take on this important task and give my thought and attention to the people of Ward One and beyond,” Castellano said. “We truly are stronger together.”
More information about Leslie Castellano’s campaign can be found on her website: leslieforeureka.com.