Sundberg to Madrone: Congratulations on your “tough election and ultimate victory.”
Following the release of final election results earlier this week which showed Humboldt County Fifth District Supervisor candidate Steve Madrone with a 118 vote lead, Supervisor Ryan Sundberg announced today that he would not seek a recount and congratulated his opponent.
Here is Supervisor Sundberg’s statement:
The final election results have come in and we are down by [118] votes. I do not think a recount will change anything, so I am conceding the election to Mr. Madrone.
I feel like I let a lot of people down who invested time, energy, and money into our re-election, and for that I apologize. At the end of the day, I put my heart and soul into the job and gave it my very best effort, so I am content with the outcome. I also think I have left the District in better shape, with roads, full Sheriff substation, and Emerengcy coverage to name a few. I am proud to be the only Native American to sit on the BOS, and hopefully someone will be the second, and that critical voice will be projected through our local, state, and fed government.
I am also very grateful for the life long friendships I have made in the last eight years. I will certainly miss my colleagues on the Board and the Coastal Commission, they are dedicated and top notch people. I will also miss our staff, we are very lucky in Humboldt to have such dedication, and I appreciate everything they do every day.
Finally, I would like to thank my friends and family, I was not able to spend as much time with you all, but you understood. My wife and daughter especially, putting up with all the time away and the drama that is politics so I could serve our Community, I love you very much. We are not going anywhere, so I will stay involved and very much look forward to the next chapter in my life starting in 2019.
Thank you all for the support, well wishes, prayers, encouragement, and inspiration, we appreciate it very much,
Ryan Sundberg
This is the email I sent Mr. Madrone this morning:
“Hello Mr. Madrone,
I wanted to reach out and congratulate you and your campaign team on a tough election and ultimate victory. I also wanted to let you know I will not be challenging the results by asking for a recount, and I am conceding the election to you. I have no hard feelings and I will be committed to doing everything possible for a smooth transition in January. Please reach out if you need anything from me.
Ryan Sundberg