Sand dunes, shmand dunes! Rent a free beach chair and be the master of your own destiny. (LoCO does not recommend bombing sand dunes in your beach wheelchair.) | Illustration by John Ferrara.
Old age is no excuse for a mediocre base tan, brah.

Photo of a beach wheelchair provided by the CCC.
The California Costal Commission is putting the word out that many public beaches are now more accessible than ever to people with age or mobility concerns thanks to free beach wheelchair rentals.
“The California Coastal Commission is sharing this information as part of a commitment to helping all residents of the state experience the beach firsthand,” the CCC wrote on its website.
The special wheelchairs are fitted with large wheels designed specifically for rolling across sand. This allows wheel chair users to glide across the beach rather than getting stuck in the sand.
The beach wheelchairs can be rented at the following locations, although you may have to call ahead of time and make reservations:
- Manila Dunes, at the Humboldt Coastal Nature Center, (707) 444-1397
- Arcata Marsh & Wildlife Sanctuary, at the Interpretive Center, (707) 826-2359
- Patrick’s Point (no beach access; borrow chair then drive to your location), (707) 677-3570
- Stone Lagoon (no beach access; sign chair out at Patrick’s Point, then drive to your location), (707) 677-3570 or (707) 465-7335
- Freshwater Lagoon Beach, at Kuchel Visitor Center, Orick, (707) 465-7765
- Gold Bluffs Beach, Orick, (707) 465-7335
Manually operated chairs are available at all these locations. However, some places may also offer electric-powered options.