‘Feed me, hooman’
Just like you or I, animals gotta eat. You know who’s keenly aware of this startling fact? The numerous Humboldt nonprofits who work with the seemingly countless animals in need in our area.
Ack! Dogs and cats are hungry! Is there any local LoCO-affiliated radio station willing to step up and feed the fuzzies? Uh, can you imagine us framing up this post if there wasn’t?

No way!
Yes, Humboldt’s rockingest station, KWPT The Point, 100.3/102.9, will again undertake the Food for Fido Drive. All week long Point DJs will be broadcasting live from local feed stores while collecting food donations that will then be distributed to local do-goody animal organizations.
In order for this to be worth the effort, though, you need to show up and buy some chow (and maybe lightly harass the on-air talent) at any of the following locations between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m.:
- Monday: The Farm Store, Eureka
- Tuesday: A&L Feed, McKinleyville
- Wednesday: Arcata Pet Supplies, Arcata
- Thursday: Northcoast Horticulture Supply, Fortuna
- Friday: Myrtle Avenue Pet Center, Eureka
Animals tend to be significantly more adorable when they are fed. Do the right thing, Humboldt.